playing hooky

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I stepped out of the school bus with my backpack hanging loosely on my right shoulder and took a deep breath, bracing myself for the next seven hours of my day.
I've always had a love—hate relationship with school, but since returning this semester after spending three months studying online due to a film I was working on, it's felt like a completely different place.

My closest friend, Miah, ended up ghosting me entirely and turned any other friends I had away from me. I have all the worst teachers. I sit alone at lunch and get eyed by all the popular kids. Lately, anything and everything related to school sucks and unfortunately I'm only in my sophomore year.

If I hadn't already been on the verge of tears the moment I woke up on this cold, cloudy morning a shove to my shoulder that resulted in me face down on the concrete path sure did it.
It was enough for me to decide to get right back on that bus and head back home. The driver was even kind enough to hand me a tissue to press over my bleeding cheekbone until I could attend to it.

My phone began to buzz halfway through the journey. It was Mom and I knew if I let it ring out I'd be in a shitload of trouble for not only skipping school without her consent, but also not letting her know I was safe. So, with that in mind, I pressed the green button on the bottom right corner of my screen and held the device up to my ear.

"Hey, I just got a call from your school. Why aren't you in class?" Her tone is soft and laced with concern.

I glance out the window and sniffle. "I can't do it today. I'm tired and I hate teenagers. I just want to come home."

I hear a sigh from the other end of the call. "Alright, honey. I understand that. Please just ask or let me know next time before you play hooky, okay?"

"Okay, sorry."

"That's alright. How are you getting home?"


"Okay, and how's your headspace. Would you like me to take the day off work and come home, or are you going to be okay on your own for a while?"

"I'll be okay, but thank you anyway. I'll probably just do some homework on the couch and eat Pringles," I explain with a half-hearted chuckle and wipe teary my eyes on my shoulders. 

"That sounds like a good idea," she returns the chuckle. "Let me know if you're change your mind though, babe, and keep me updated on how you're doing."

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too."

With a small smile curling upon my lips, I end the call and just as a I'm about to lock my phone a message pops up at the top of the screen from my the boy I've been dating.
His name is James and he's the first boy I've ever liked, let alone been out with. It's been two months since he first asked me out and I first got kissed and it feels like fireworks are going off whenever I'm around him.

The two of us portrayed best friends in the film I just finished shooting a month ago and he's the only exception to my 'I hate teenagers' rule.
It sucks that we don't even go to the same school because it means we don't have very many opportunities to see one another during the week, so naturally when I read his text that explains his Mom is allowing him the day off, I quickly explain that I'm playing hooky and invite him around to spend a few hours with me.

Want me to swing by Dunkin' on the way?

Stupid question, idiot!

Right...I'll be there in a half hour then x

See you soon <3


The trees squeak against the window as the stormy winds whistle and the fireplace burning under the tv crackles. James' fingers intertwined with mine as I rested my head on his shoulder and cuddle up under a warm blanket as the two of us watched 'Easter Parade'. It's one of my favourite classics. I've always loved Judy Garland's movies.

"What did you think?" I ask, a nervous smile resting on my lips as I glance up at James.
"You know what?" He lowers his gaze toward mine and quirks an eyebrow, "I'm pleasantly surprised."

My smile widens entirely and I excitedly throw my arms around him. "See? I told you! I'm going to make a list of classics you have to watch now."
"Will you watch them with me?"
"Of course. You don't have a choice in that."

The two of us share a giggle before he gently places his hand under my chin and presses his lip's against mine. "You're such a weirdo," he tells me. His mouth is still so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my face. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I have to restrain myself from kicking my feet and squealing but I manage and with a wide smile, I nod, once again joining our lips.

Soon enough, I find myself on his lap with my knees either side of waist and my fingers entangled in his hair. The way he kisses me is different to before and it sends goosebumps down my spine but as my breath becomes heavy and I find it harder and harder to keep my hips still, he pulls his lips off of mine and meets my gaze.

"I hope you know I didn't come over just for this." His voice is hoarse as he tucks my hair behind my ears.

"Oh, I know. I want to though, James. I want it to be you," I assure him with a subtle nod.

The two of us share a nervous smile and my heart begins to beat through my chest when he moves his hands to the top button of my cardigan.

"Tell me if you want to stop."


With James' shirt on, I decided to head downstairs into the kitchen and make the two of us a cup of tea only I'm quickly made to regret my decision when I'm met with my Mom standing behind the counter with a blank expression on my face.

I have not the faintest idea of when she got home. It could have been at any point in the last forty minutes and I can't tell if she's angry, disappointed, upset or all of the above.

"You are going on the pill," she tells me, her tone stoic.

"It wasn't like that." My voice is small.
I'm unsure as the whether or not I want to die from the embarrassment or burst into a fit of tears.

"You mean my fifteen year old daughter didn't skip school to invite a boy over and sleep with him? That sure as hell looks like what happened."

I swallow harshly and blink away the tears welling in my eyes as I walk to the fridge to take out a bottle of water. "Please don't ruin this for me."

I hear her sigh, long and heavy. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you. We messaged after you called me. He came over to watch a movie and it just sort of happened," I explain, my gaze fixated on the stormy weather outside the window.

"Something like this doesn't just happen," she says, resting one hand on the countertop and the other on her hip. "You need to tell James to leave please, I need to have a chat with you."

I'm seeing Barbie tomorrowwww
Also I haven't proofread and it's 11pm so please excuse any mistakes!!

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