its a problem: part two

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I can't believe I hit my mom. She did nothing to deserve that, and nothing I say justifies what I did. I absolutely was in the wrong. I don't know what got in to me. She's only looking out for me, and if I'm honest, she has a reason to be worried.

I'm scared too. I got defensive about it because I know that it's becoming an issue. I just feel like the only way to drown out my problems is to drown myself in alcohol, because sometimes, it feels like life is all too much.

As much as I don't actually want to drink right now, and as much as I know I shouldn't drink right now, I feel like I have to. So, I made my way over to my friend Dylan's. He's been my drinking buddy since we started high school and I always feel safe getting shitfaced around him because he will do literally anything to look out for me. Even if it means he stays sober whilst I get shitfaced if we're at a party or out with some friends.

Before I knocked on Dylan's door I sent an 'I'm sorry' to my mom. Not that it fixes anything, but I needed to apologise.

"Hey, wanna get drunk?" I ask as soon as he's opened the door. "Absolutely. Come in and we can raid my dads cabinet," he laughs.

"So why weren't you at school today?" He questions as we walk through the living room. "Hungover," I state. He turns his head back to me and raises an eyebrow. "On a Wednesday? Y/N that's really bad," he speaks. "No shit sherlock. I don't need your judgment too."

"Are you sure it's a good idea to get drunk again?" He asks concernedly. "Dylan. It's fine."

It's been four hours since Y/N's message and I have not been able to get a hold of her. Again. As much as I want to be pissed off, I am so incredibly worried. I have no idea where she went, or who she's with, or how drunk she may or may not be.

I was seconds away from calling the police, when Y/N finally called me. Seeing her name pop up on my screen instantly made me cry.

"Y/N, where are you?" I ask through my tears as I reach for my keys. "Hi um, it's Dylan. Y/N had a lot to drink and she's passed out on my couch."

I wipe my tears with the heel of my hands, "Fucking hell okay, I'm on way. I'll be there in ten," I tell him.

I mean, how irresponsible can she be? I've been trying not to panic for the last few hours whilst she's been drinking her body weight in alcohol.

It doesn't take me long to get to Y/N. Dylan explained that before she passed out, she was shaking uncontrollably which made me think that I might have to take her to the hospital, but she woke up as I was carrying her out to the car and seemed to be okay. Well as okay as she could be.

When we got back home, I helped Y/N up to her room and moved her trash bin next to her bed incase she need to be sick. Which not to my surprise, she was.

"I'm so sorry, mama," she cries as I hold her hair back. "It's alright, honey. I know," she soothe, rubbing circles on her back with my free hand. "I'm sorry for hitting you," her cries increase before she pukes again. I take a deep breath and kiss the top of her head, "I know you are, bubba."


The next morning I wasted no time waiting for my daughters hangover to pass, and instead went into her room only ten minutes after she'd woken up.

"Okay, here's the deal," I start. Y/N looks up from her phone and sighs. "Can you at least wait a few more hours before you yell at me?"
"I'm not going to yell," I tell her. She throws her phone down next to her and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You are sixteen, sweetheart, and I am not letting you go down this road, okay? There is to be no more drinking unless it's around me or Colin. No more going out unless you tell me who you're with. No more staying out past your curfew, and if you choose to not listen to me, I will be taking your phone away and you will be grounded for as long as I say. Got it?"

Y/N stares at me blankly for a few seconds before nodding. "Good. Now give me a hug. You scared the shit out of me last night," I admit, pulling her out of bed and wrapping my arms so tightly around her.

I don't notice I'm crying until I pull away and Y/N pulls away and wipes my tears. "I'm so sorry," she mumbled with a sad smile. "It's okay, honey. I'm just glad you're okay," I smile.

this is shit


I started a new book bitchesss! I've had this idea for literally so long and then forgot about it but I wanted to write more mama Scarlett

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I started a new book bitchesss! I've had this idea for literally so long and then forgot about it but I wanted to write more mama Scarlett

Scarlett Johansson x Daughter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now