stomach bug: part two

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Four hours of sitting in the waiting room and a bunch of tests later, the doctor came back with the results

Stage two Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

My daughter has cancer and I was completely oblivious to how sick she really was.
The doctors said that they'd like to start chemotherapy next week and she'll have to undergo radiation therapy after that.

She doesn't know yet. I was told only ten minutes ago and have not been able to stop crying for long enough to walk back into her room and see her.

One of the nurses bought me over a packet of tissues to wipe my tears and blow my nose before going I finally got a hold of myself and made my way back into the hospital room.

"Hi mama," she perks up from her sleepy state. "Hi sweetheart," I manage to crack and small smile as she shuffled over on the bed and I sit next to her, my arm wrapping around her shoulders. "You were crying? Your face is all red," she points out, "Is it bad?"

The doctor walks in as I go to say something. "Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?" She asks with a gentle smile. "I'm a bit scared, but I'm okay," Y/N mumbles with a slight shrug.

Dr Robbins sends me a sympathetic smile before proceeding to tell my daughter her diagnosis and her treatment plan.
I watch Y/N's face drop completely to almost an numb expression as she clings on tightly to my shirt, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Am I going to lose my hair?" Her voice shakes, receiving a nod from Dr Robbins. She breaks out into a hysterical sob, turning her head into the crook of my neck.

"I'll give you two some time."


It's been a month since Y/N's diagnosis and after three rounds of chemotherapy, I am just as concerned for her mental health now as I am for her physical.

It's been tough on her. Not a day has passed where she hasn't cried hysterically. Last week she started seeing a therapist which I think will help eventually, but it might take a few sessions for her to completely open up, because I can tell she's trying to put on a brave face despite her breakdowns.

"Mommy," Y/N frowns, a few tears falling down her cheeks as she comes into the kitchen. "What is it, baby?" I drop what I'm doing and walk over, cupping her cheeks. "My hair is falling out in big chunks now," she cries.

"Oh my sweet girl. It's going to be okay." I embrace her in a hug, holding her head as she sobs into my chest. "I'm so scared, mama. I don't want to die."

My heart physically hurts, hearing those words come from my daughter. I blink away the tears that immediately formed in my eyes, "Honey, you're not going to die. The doctors said that your treatment is already starting to work. I know it may not feel like it right now, but you're going to be okay. I am so proud of how strong you've been, Y/N and your mama is right by your side. Through all of it," I assure her, my voice obviously shaking. I try to believe my own words, but the fear that I could suddenly loose my daughter at any point is eating away at me.


"Miss Johansson, we need you to come to the hospital." One of Y/N's nurses speaks to me over the phone. I've not been able to see my daughter in three days because I've got the flu, and being around her would put her at risk.

"Did something happen with Y/N?" I question in a frenzy, immediately getting out of bed for the first time this week and slipping on my uggs.

"You're daughter's heart stopped for a couple of minutes, but we got her back and she's stable now. She keeps asking for you, and we can't let you near her, but if you're wearing a mask and stay at the door, you can see her."

After the first few words, I felt my whole world crumble in an instant before letting out a sigh of desperate relief as I feel the tears slip down my cheeks. "Oh my god. O-Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can." What do you say when you've just been told your child's heart stopped beating for a minute?

I immediately go to call Chris the moment I step into the car. Chris is Y/N's godparent, and they've always had a close relationship and I know that right now I can't hug my daughter, not even after she's just had the most scary thing happen and that breaks my heart. However, Chris can hug her and I know that right now she'll be needing someone she trusts to hold her.

When I got to the hospital and up to Y/N's room, I saw her crying in Dr Robbins' arms. She's been the most incredible doctor through all of this and I think to a degree, my daughter feels safe with her.

I gently knock on the door as Y/N looks up at me. "Mama," she cries, holding her arms open. "Hi baby," I smile sadly, although she can't see it through the mask. I don't think I've stopped crying in the last half an hour either, and trying to hold myself together for my daughter is getting impossibly hard, especially when I can't hold her.

"I'm sorry honey, you're mom's still sick. She can't give you a cuddle right now," Dr Robbins explains which only causes Y/N to break out into a sob.

"Chris is going to be here in a few, my sweet girl. He's gonna lots of cuddles for me," I say, wiping my eyes on my shoulder.

Eight Months Later

Y/N finished with her treatment last week. The cancer is completely gone. She made it.

Towards the end of her chemotherapy, she wasn't looking great and the doctors were relying on the radiation therapy to work. Whilst the chemo helped a little, it wasn't enough to make her better.

By a miracle, she's still here and she's happy. Well, happy then she's been in a long time. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing my daughter smile and actually mean it.

Yes, she's still recovering and a little unwell from all the treatment but still the healthiest I've seen her all year.

"Mom, can we have a movie night?" She asks, picking the mushrooms out of her dinner. "Of course. What do you want to watch?"
"Pitch Perfect?" She suggests with a hopeful smile. "Yes, absolutely," I giggle, picking up both our bowls and taking them into the living room.

"Thank you for everything, mama," she smiles, cuddling up to my side as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

I place a kiss on the top of her head, "I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too."

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