champagne problems

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Age: 21

"Where are we going for dinner?" I ask Lachie with an excited smile. It's our six year anniversary today. We've been together since our sophomore year of high school. He was the first person I ever fell in love with.

We both moved out of home at eighteen to move in together. We both were taking a gap year before starting college and decided that we were ready to live with one another.
My mom was understandably skeptical about it and as much as she tried to be supportive of my decision I could tell that she thought it was too soon. But I never had a doubt in my mind that I was going to spend the rest of my life with Lachie.

Before moving in together we had spoken about what our future would look like. If we wanted kids, or we wanted to get married. We both agreed we wanted both those things but I had told him I wanted to wait until I'd graduated college and had a secure job.

Last year I fell pregnant. I was only six weeks along by the time I'd found out. It wasn't planned and I've been on birth control since I was sixteen, so the only explanation was that I'd accidentally missed a day.

I had just turned twenty. I wasn't ready to have children and I'm still not, but I was scared that Lachie would make me have the baby if I told him. So I didn't. I didn't tell anyone. Not even my Mom.

It was only a week later that I'd woken up to the sheets covered in blood. An alarming amount. Lachie was unaware of what was happening and tried to get me to go to the ER, but I knew. I'd had a miscarriage.

I will never forgive myself for lying to him. I told him that I didn't know I was pregnant and explained that I thought I might of been having a miscarriage. He sobbed. I cried too, I'd just lost a child. Also because of the overwhelming guilt I was feeling. That makes me sound like a horrible person.

I thought about coming clean but it never happened. I always feared that Lachie would lash out and it would ruin us. So, I chose to keep quiet.

"It's a surprise," he smiles against my lips before kissing me. "Lachie, I hate surprises. You know that," I sigh. "You'll like this one. Trust me," he says.

I trust you Lachie, but I still hate surprises.

"Fine," I decide.

"Wear something nice though," he tells me. "Really? I was planning on going to dinner in this," I joke, looking down at my Mickey Mouse oversized shirt. He smiles and shakes his head.


I still had no idea where we were going. On the drive I felt my anxiety rise. My knee wouldn't stop bouncing and I constantly found myself picking at the skin around my fingernails. Lachie noticed this and rested his hand of my thigh, but it didn't help.

He pulled up into an empty parking lot at the beach. There's still about half an hour to sunset and he knows this is my favourite time of day.

I'm starting to question why he told me to dress fancy if we were just going to watch the sunset?

Lachie gets out of the car and walks around to open my door. "Who knew chivalry still existed?" I smirk.

He took my hand and we walked down the stairs to the sand before I took off my heels. That's when I notice the picnic set up - a really nice one at that.

"Did you do all this?" I ask. I feel a wide smile curl onto my lips. He nods. A shy smile curling onto his lips. "I love you Lachlan. So much," I admit, wrapping one hand around his neck and gently kissing his lips.

"I love you too, darling."


The dinner was lovely. So was the champagne. But being held in Lachie's arms as we watched the stars become visible was my favourite part of the evening. I could happily stay like this forever.

Suddenly he pulls me up with him as we stand. He takes my hand and kisses my passionately. I don't know why but I'm not going to complain.

"What was that for?" I giggle slightly. He takes a deep breath as he smiles nervously. I watch as he dips his hand into the pocket of his jacket and I feel my heart stop for a moment.

A ring.

One of his hands is still in mine as he gets down on one knee.

I feel slightly like I'm frozen as I watch his mouth move. He's saying something, probably something very meaningful but I can't hear. I feel a tear slip down my cheek, but I think I'm crying for the wrong reasons. He knows I don't want to get married yet. Why is he proposing?

"Y/N Johansson, will you marry me?"

I watch as his face drops the longer I take to answer.

Why am I not saying anything? I need to say something. Why don't I want to say yes?


I drop his hand.

He stands up and starts crying. "I thought you wanted this? We've been talking about getting married since we were sixteen, Y/N," he says, sliding the ring back into his pocket.

"I do Lachie, I do want to get married someday. But not right now. I'm twenty-one years old. I haven't even graduated college. We've spoken about this before," I tell him nervously. I don't know why I feel so scared right now. I don't know why I fear that he's going to lash out at any moment.

Lachie is my person.

I'm just not ready.

I always thought it would be a no brainer when he proposed. The answer was always going to be yes. So why can't I say it?

"We don't have to get married right now," he points out. "Lachie, I love you but there's so much I still want to do before I settle down completely," I tell him.

"It doesn't have to change anything, Y/N. We wouldn't even start planning the wedding until you're ready."

"But it would change things. Everything," I start to become frustrated. I hate that he put me in this position. We've spoken about when we would get married time and time again and I always told him I wanted to wait until I finished college. "The expectation is always going to be there to start planning the wedding and Lachlan, I don't know when I'll be ready."

"Y/N, you wear a ring on your finger for a couple years. Nothing has to change," he sighs. It was an angry sigh. I know him like the back of my hand and I know when he's about to start yelling at me.


"Y/N. It's a yes or a no."

This is fucking ridiculous. Never in a million years did I think he would put me in this position. Maybe there's a part of him that I didn't know yet. Or maybe it's a part of him I've chosen not to see.

"No. No I will not marry you."

A/N: Scarlett will be in the next part aha, if was just going to be way too long otherwise!
Anyways, I hope you're all doing well <3

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