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age: 17

"Mother dearest, are you busy today?" I question as I make my way into her bedroom and jump onto her bed. It's only seven am and by the look of her hair and the mascara under her eyes, she hasn't been awake all that long.

"Depends," she answers, taking her head out of her phone and pulling me closer. "Depends on what?" I ask, looking up at her with my head now in her lap. "Depends on what you're going to ask me," she smiles.

"Well, I saw these really cute bear onesies at target and I was thinking at some point today we could go get them and then, tonight we can watch a movie in them and order in?" I explain with a hopeful smile.

It's been a while since mom and I have been able to spend a day together. I've either had plans or been stuck doing homework, and she's been working or running Rose around the place. But Colin has taken Rose and Cosmo up to his moms for the weekend so it gives me and my mom some much needed time together.

"How could I say no to that?" She smiles before kissing my forehead. "Yay! When can we go?" I ask enthusiastically. "Well, considering that target doesn't open for a couple of hours, I'd say in a couple hours," she giggles. "Right. Can we go for breakfast then?"
"Sure, why not."


After mom and I went for breakfast, we went to target to get our onesies and unfortunately some groceries which was a real downer because I hate grocery shopping. But then mom took my to Barnes & Nobles and bought me way too many books that are definitely going to pile up on my shelf.

In the evening we ordered two pizzas, one for each of us, and mom got out some wine. She's absolutely fine with me drinking, as long as I do it responsibly which only happens like five perfect of the time...

"Hey mamabear," I smile as she comes downstairs and into the living room once the pizza arrived. "Hey baby bear, you ready?" She jumps onto the couch next to me and kisses my cheek.

Before watching a movie, we turned on Grey's Anatomy considering we needed to catch up on a couple of episodes. We're both equally obsessed with the show and have a rule that neither of us can watch a new episode without the other which sometimes causes us to fall weeks behind, but it's our thing so I don't mind.

As the first episode ended, I reached for the wine bottle and went to pour myself another glass, my mom one too. Part of me has always wanted to get drunk with her, but unfortunately I am very much a lightweight and that makes it very hard because she's most definitely not.

Once we were done with Grey's, we chose to watch 'Grownups 2'. When mom got up and went to the bathroom, I quickly finished my glass of wine and poured myself another. She didn't notice at first, even despite the fact that I found myself laughing way too hard at the movie. It wasn't until she went to pour herself another and looked at me suspiciously. "How many glasses have you had?" She raises an eyebrow. "Two," I lie. Her eyes narrow. "Three."

"Okay, no more. I'm not putting up with drunk Y/N tonight," she orders me. "Why not? I wanna get drunk with you," I pout which causes her to laugh. "I'm not getting drunk with you, sweetheart."
"Not ever?"
"No, just not tonight. I'll get drunk with you on your birthday," she pats my back. "Ooo yay!" I smile excitedly.

She laughs and wraps her arm around my back, pulling me in for a hug. "I love you mama," I say. "I love you too."

There's a few moments of silence as we continue to watch the movie until I say, "Hypothetically, how would you react if I told you I was pregnant?"

Her eyes widen as she looks at me. "Hypothetically," I assure her.

"Well, I mean, I'd be shocked, but I'd support whatever decision you chose to make and if you wanted to keep then I'd be there to help you raise it," she explains.

I nod and turn my head back to the screen, rest my head on her shoulder.

"Y/N/N?" She asks. "Hmm?" I hum. "You're not asking me hypothetically, are you?"

this is probably the most random one shot I've ever written but anyways
I'm going to a Halloween party in like half and hour and I ain't even ready

Scarlett Johansson x Daughter One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt