director dickhead

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age: 11
warnings: sexual assault

I've known Y/N since she was eight years old and we worked on Marriage Story together. She was my daughter in the movie but in some ways is in reality now too.

For as long I've known her, Y/N has always been quite a bubbly and sweet girl. Always was very polite and had so much energy.
When we started filming this movie she was still that same girl, but over the last few weeks I've noticed something change in her.

Obviously, each of the cast members have their own trailers and Y/N has never had a problem spending time alone in hers during scenes, usually doing her school work or taking a nap, but lately she'll always resort to coming into my trailer whether or not I'm in there and is always by my side.

Of course I haven't waited three weeks to ask her what's wrong, but every time the answer is the same 'nothing, I'm fine'.

This morning we had rehearsal and the entire time Y/N clung to my side. Whenever anyone other than myself would get close to her, I'd watch as she'd slowly shrink into herself or scan her eyes across the room until she'd seen me.
I couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable she looked whilst talking to our director especially. Barely any eye contact was kept with him and she kept pulling on the sleeves of her shirt and on her pants - almost like she was trying to cover her body.

Call it motherly instinct or whatever, but something was nagging at me telling me that I needed to interfere, so just as he went to guide her out of the room I went up and asked to speak with him. Not that I really needed to, but I came up with something on the spot anyways.

During lunch, Y/N came over and sat on the couch so closely to me that she was almost sitting on my lap. I wrapped an arm around her securely as I ate with my free hand. She seemed to relax into me more and more as the minutes passed by.

"I'll be back, I just need to go to the bathroom," she informs me to which I nod and take my arm away. Her mouth opened to speak again but she decides against it and walks away before I can ask if she's okay.

Ten minutes pass by and Y/N's still not back but I decided to wait another five before I get up and go find her. Usually I wouldn't worry so much, but with the way she's been acting lately, I am.

The first place I check of course is the bathroom, but she's not there. So, I go into her trailer thinking she might have used the bathroom in there.

Muffled cries can be heard outside the door, so without knocking I walk in. Her body is curled up tightly on the bed, the sheets pulled over her as she hysterically sobs.

"Oh bubba, what's wrong?" I ask in a gentle tone. She doesn't answer me and as I walk closer to the bed, I notice the blood on her white sheets. "Sweetheart, did you get your period? Do you need me to explain what you need to do?" I question.

Her crying only becomes heavier as she shakes her head. It's not until I'm sitting down beside her that I see how much blood there actually is. Y/N shuffled herself closer to me and rest her head on my lap. Gently, I run my fingers through her hair and ask "Bubba, can you tell me what happened?"

"He t-touched me," she hiccups.

I close my eyes as my breath hitches. "Who did this to you, honey?"
"James," she tells me. He's the director of the film - or was. There is no way in hell I am letting him get away with this.

"Y/N, I am so sorry," I cry, "I'm so sorry this happened. Can I ask, how long has it been going on?"

"A few weeks," she sobs. "Alright honey, do you want me to call your mama to come and get you?" I offer. Not that I mind staying with Y/N, not at all. But I just think maybe this is something she'd feel more comfortable talking about with her mom.

"No," she shakes her head, trying to control her cries, "I already told her about it and she said I just have to deal with it if I want to be an actor. I don't wanna do it anymore though."

Immediately my sadness turns into rage the moment I hear about what her mother told her. In no way is this okay. Teaching your daughter that sexual assault comes with being a woman in this industry, or any industry for that matter, is absolutely sickening.

"Bubba, you don't have to put up with this. None of it is okay and I'm sorry that your mom has told you otherwise. If she's not going to do anything about it, then you know I will because you're my beautiful girl, are still a baby and I am not going to let you get hurt again, okay?" I assure her, wiping both of our tears away. Y/N mumbles a very quiet "thank you".

"Y/N/N, I think we're going to need to take you to the hospital," I mention. Immediately, she starts crying again. "I don't want to."
"I know bubba, but you'll be safe with me. I'll make sure it's just the two of us, okay? I'll be with you the whole time," I assure her. "Promise?" She sniffs. "I promise."

kinda hate this but anyways

it's my birthdayyyy homies

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