she knows

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Age: 15

I have lost count of how many times I've asked mom if I could go to this party tonight and every time the answer has been no. I already tried convincing her I wouldn't drink anything and I'd stick with my best friend, Riley, but it hasn't worked. I even tried bribing her by offering to do the dishes every morning but then she came back with the "you're meant to do the dishes every morning anyway. That's your only chore and you still fail to do it."


I have ADHD though, I forget these things. Especially things I'd rather not remember.

Anyways, back to tonight. Obviously I'm going to sneak out. I've done it once before and it didn't go very well, but I've learnt from my past mistakes and I am not going to get caught, or yelled at, grounded for a whole three weeks this time.

As soon as I was certain everybody was asleep, I quietly opened my bedroom door and made my way downstairs. Once I was successfully out the door, I put on my shoes and walked onto the street to get in the car with Riley. He's older than me and has a license and he also never drinks so I feel safe with him.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Y/N? I swear to god, if I don't get to see you for another month because you get caught, I'm going to tell everyone you're homophobic," he says as I click my seatbelt in.

"Yes, I'm sure. As long as you're still happy to drive me back home?" I smile hopefully. "Yes, yes, if I must," he rolls his eyes. "Also, how could anyone believe that I'm homophobic? I'm literally the gayest person you know," I add.

"No, I am. I am the gayest person I know," he corrects me as he starts to drive off.

When we get to the party I immediately go find something to drink so it's easier to be nice to people...


I don't know what time it is when Riley picks me up to carry me back to his car after I've spent twenty minutes in the bathroom with my head over the toilet.

When I get home, he walks me to the door, making sure I don't fall over anything. Once I'm inside Riley goes back to his car and I try to keep quiet so I don't set off the dogs.

As I go to take a step upstairs, I realise my heels are still on. I'm quick to take them off before grabbing tighter onto the pillar to make sure I don't fall backwards and hit my head.

The dogs must've heard me because they start barking.

I get into my bedroom a fast as I can, closing the door behind me and climbing under my sheets. Mom is a very light sleeper so she's probably just been woken up.

I'm proven right when I hear my door creak open and my light turns on. Thankfully she didn't suspect anything because the light was turned off and my was door closed only a few moments later.

To be careful, I pretend to sleep for a few more minutes making sure that she wasn't still in the room and just trying to trick me, before I slowly open my eyes.

I get out of my dress and into my pyjamas before going back to bed for real this time.

I'd woken up a couple of times during the night. The first time being just after midnight to the sound of Colin snoring. My gut instinct was telling me to go check on my kids so I went into Rose's room first to see her fast asleep. However, when I went to check in on Y/N, she wasn't there.

My first thought was that she'd snuck out to go to that party. There were a few reasons I didn't want her going...I didn't know the guys parents, I didn't know the guy, and he was a senior. Y/N's a freshman. I don't think she realises that I'm just trying to look out for her, I'm not trying to be mean.

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