she's a bit much

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age: 17

I've been alone most of my life. I prefer it that way. But also, I've never really known anything different.

When a lot of people get to know me they think I'm over the top, or way too loud.
I get enthusiastic about the little things in life, the bigger things too, but I've taught myself to appreciate the little things because unless I'm consciously making the decision to enjoy what life has to offer, I find myself in a pit of depression and I'm always the one who has to dig me out of it.

Making friends in high school has probably been the most difficult thing about school in general. Teachers say I need to socialise more, but when I do they tell me to be quiet and on the very rare occasion that I make a 'friend', I find them talking about me behind my back telling their new friends 'she's a bit much'.

Taylor Swift once said; I'm a big advocate for not hiding your enthusiasm for things.

That has stuck with me.

Yes I get excited when the sunset is prettier than usual, or when my favourite cake mix is on sale at the store, when I see dogs playing together at the park, when I get bonus French fry's at the bottom of my McDonald's get the gist.

I don't want to change who I am so that I'm liked by more than one person- that person being my English teacher Miss Johansson - but some days I do feel low.

I wish I felt appreciated by others. I wish I wasn't made to feel insecure about who I am. I wish I didn't have to try to be someone else to be able to make at least one friend.


English was my last period of the day and unfortunately it went extremely fast. I don't say that about any other classes but I have my favourite teacher and her class feels like my safe space.

"Y/N/N, can I talk to you please before you leave?" Miss Johansson asks as we all start packing up our books. I nod and walk over to her desk, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"I just wanted to know how you're doing? You seemed a little upset in class today?" She asks with a small smile. "Oh, I-I'm okay. Just tired," I shrug.
"You sure that's it, honey?" Her eyes search my face with concern. I nod, trying to hold back any tears.

The tone in which she speaks makes me feel so safe and I immediately want to cry in relief because it's very rare that I feel this safe with someone.

"Would you like a hug?" She smiles softly. I nod again.

Her arms wrap tightly around my body and I can't help but start to sob. I didn't realise how touch deprived I was until now.

"Oh honey, it's going to be okay," she coos, rocking me side to side slightly.

For the next five or so minutes she lets me cry in her arms, reassuring me every now and then. When my cries begin to lessen, I pull away from the hug. Miss Johansson smiles gently and wipes away my tears with the pads of her thumbs.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She questions. "It's just stupid, don't worry," I shrug it off.
"No honey, don't invalidate yourself like that. Talk to me," she says.

I nod as she gestures me over to a desk at the front of the classes and she pulls a chair over to sit beside me.

"I-I just feel so alone right now. I feel like everybody hates being around me because I'm either too loud, or too annoying, or too enthusiastic about things and it drives everyone away and I hate myself for it," I explain. My head is hung low as I fiddle with the bottom of my shirt, a few tears slipping down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart," Miss Johansson sighs sadly, "you are a beautiful girl. I love having you in my class and whether you believe it or not, you've had a huge impact on my life. You have an amazing personality, please don't ever feel like you have to change who you are, and don't ever hide your enthusiasm for things you're passionate about. The world needs more people like you, because in my opinion people like you change the world for the better."

I swallow and shake my head, looking up at her. "I mean it sweetheart, you're an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life," she assures me.

I manage to smile ever so slightly before it fades quickly. "Thank you," I mumble. "Of course Y/N/N. If you ever need to talk about anything you can call me, anytime of day, I'll be there for you, okay?"
"Okay," I smile gently.

"Now, how are you getting home?" She asks, standing up from the chair. "Bus," I sigh. "Would you like a lift? We can get Starbucks on the way?" She offers. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Absolutely, just give me five minutes and we can leave."

A/N: it's short but I want to write some fluff :)
I hope you are doing well and here's your reminder to NEVER CHANGE YOURSELF FOR OTHERS!

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