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age: 3

I woke up to a weight on my chest and opened my eyes to see my little girl asleep on top of me. She's been crawling into my bed a lot lately, but I'm not going to complain because she gives the best cuddles.

Her breathing seemed a bit heavier than usual and I noticed her mouth was wide open. She sounded as though she had a bit of a cold, so I pressed my hand against her forehead and noticed she had a temperature.

Y/N in general has always been quite a clingy kid, but when she's sick she's basically attached to my hip 24/7 so I knew we'd both end having a pretty lazy day, but truthfully I kind of need a day of doing absolutely nothing.

I scrolled on my phone for a few minutes before Y/N woke up. She rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists and let out a yawn. "Hi my sweet girl," I smile softly, looking down at her. "Hi mommy," she speaks tiredly. "Are you feeling okay, bubba?" I question, running my fingers through her hair rests her head back down on my chest. "I feel yucky," she mumbles.

"I'm sorry bubba. Do you want some medicine?" I offer. She shakes her head. I'm not surprised by her answer. Trying to get Y/N to take medicine when she's sick can sometimes be a nightmare.

"What if you take some medicine and then we can have a bath?" I coax. Again, she shakes her head. "Just wan' bath."
"You just want a bath?" I say. "Uh huh," she nods.

"Alright honey, I'll go run one. You stay in bed, yeah?" I say gently, kissing the top of her head. As I go to sit up and get out of bed, she groans and clings to my arm. "Up," she says reaching her free arm up. I smile and lift her up under her arms before resting her on my hip.

As we wait for the bath to fill up Y/N sits on my lap. "Mama can you watch Belle with me today?" She asks sweetly, tugging at the bottom of my shirt. She has a hard time saying Beauty and the Beast so lately she's started calling the movie Belle instead.

"Of course, bubba," I say before giving her a kiss on her little nose. She kisses my nose too before she tries to pull my shirt up.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow. "Shh," she frowns, trying to pull it up further. "Bubba, you know we don't do that anymore," I remind her in a gentle tone.

Despite the fact I stopped breastfeeding Y/N over two years ago, every single time she's sick she'll try to convince me to do it again. Without fail.
Majority of the time it ends up with her having a meltdown too because I've said no.

"Please mommy," she pouts looking up at me with teary eyes. "I know you want to sweetie, but you're a big girl now," I coo. A couple tears fall but she nods, "okay mama. I love you."
"I love you too my sweet girl," I smile softly, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of my shirt.

Once the bath of full enough, I help Y/N take off her pyjamas and lift her into the bathroom. "Are you gonna come in?" She asks, looking at me sadly. I couldn't resist her face, so I nodded before getting in with her.

She sat playing with a few of her toys whilst she let me wash her hair. Then she handed me one of her rubber dinosaurs and asked me to play with her. I didn't really think they game had rules, but apparently they did because she told me off for playing wrong.

Twenty minutes later I got out the bath. I dried myself off and put on my robe before helping Y/N out a wrapping her in a towel. She started having a bit of a coughing fit as a combed through her hair but still, she refused to take any medicine.

I made pancakes for breakfast with Y/N on my hip the entire time. She wouldn't let me go.

When we sat down to watch Beauty and the Beast, she lied between my legs and was curled up with a blanket. Every time Belle would come on the screen, she'd smile or try to sing along with the songs even though she barely knew the words.

Eventually she fell asleep around the time she'd normally have her morning nap, but her temperature only rose. I slowly moved her off my lap and went to get her some medicine, hoping that I could convince her to take it.

Not a minute later she came walking into the kitchen. "Mommy I feel yucky still," she frowns, reaching her arms up to be lifted again. "I'm sorry bubba. Mommy's going to get you some medicine so you can feel better though," I coo, picking her up. "No I don't want it," she shakes her head. "I know, but it will help you get better," I assure her.

She crosses her arms and pouts. "Only if it tastes like strawberries," she tells me. "It is the strawberry flavoured one," I smile with a small giggle. "Okay," she nods.

I sit her on the counter and gently lift her chin with two fingers before giving her the medicine. Once she swallows, her face squirms and she shakes her head. I kiss her nose and smile. "Good girl," I say, before picking her up again and walking back into the living room.

"Do you want to try to get some more sleep, bubba?" I suggest. At the mention of it, she yawns and nods.

We sit back down on the couch, Y/N between my legs again as she lays on her side with her head on my chest. "Love you mommy," she says quietly. "I love you too beautiful girl."

A/N: floofffff as promised :)
I hope you all have a great day!!

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