it's a problem

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age: 16
warnings: heavy drinking, alcohol addiction? slightly?

"Mama, I need you to come get me," my daughter cries from the other end of the phone. The way that her voice is slurring, tells me that she's drunk. Again.

It's a Tuesday night and she decided to go out with a few of her friends which I was fine about, as long as she was back by ten. What I'm not fine with, is the fact that its now midnight and I haven't been able to get in contact with her for a few hours. I've called everybody I could possibly think would know where she was and until a minute ago - had 911 on the phone.

"What happened, Y/N? Where on earth have you been?" I scold. I think the tone in my voice comes out harsh because of the amount of fear I've felt over the last few hours. "I'm sorry. We went back to Sienna's and I lost track of time," she whimpers. "Did something happen, why are you crying?"

"I was sick," she informs me hesitantly. Whenever Y/N is sick she cries, especially if she's drunk.

I never used to have a problem with her drinking, as long as she was responsible and told me when and where she would be doing it, just incase something happened. But she's been drunk three times since Friday and I'm starting to worry that it may be becoming a problem. If it was just the last few times, maybe I'd be okay with it, but she's wakes up hungover three, if not four, times a week.

"Alright. Stay on the phone. I'll be there in twenty minutes," I tell her as I grab my keys and head out the door.

"Are you mad?" She sniffs. "Y/N, it's a Tuesday night and I had no idea where you were, and you're drunk, of course I'm mad," I speak bluntly. "I'm s-sorry."
I take a deep breath to calm myself down as I turn my car engine on. "It's okay, honey. I'm just worried about you."


"We'll have a talk tomorrow. Not right now," I say gently. "Okay," she hiccups. "Now, how was your night, before you were sick obviously?" I ask, trying to distract her from how's she's feeling right now.

When I get to Y/N, she's sat outside Sienna's house on the grass with a bottle of wine in one hand and her head resting in the other. On the way here she explained that her and Sienna had an argument, I'm not sure what about, but I'm guessing it had to be a trigger for Y/N getting as drunk as she is right now.

Once she spots me, she tries to stand up from the ground but immediately loses her balance. Luckily, I'm able to catch her in time before she face plants the grass.

I take the half empty wine bottle from her hand. "No, I'm not done with it," she tries to take it back from me. I don't respond as I throw it in the garbage bin out the front of Sienna's house.

"Mama I'm sorry," she frowns, looking at me with tears in her eyes. "It's alright honey, we'll talk about it in the morning. For now let's get you home and into bed, yeah?" I smile lightly.

The whole car ride home, Y/N cried and just as we turned onto our street she fell asleep which meant I had to carry her inside. I could've woken her up, but she looked too peaceful and after her how worked up she was just a minute ago, I wanted her to be able to rest.

Unfortunately though, just as I laid her down in her bed, she woke up anyway. She rubbed her eyes with fists as she took in her surroundings. "Hi bubba, you can go back to sleep," I whisper. "Want pyjamas," she mumbles, tugging at the collar of her shirt. "Okay honey, I'll get you some. Do you need help or are you okay to get dressed on your own?" I ask softly. "Help," she groans.


In the morning, not to my surprise, Y/N woke up hungover. I couldn't send her to school in her state, so I sat with her all morning watching tv whilst we waited for it to pass.

It was closer to the evening when I decided I was going to talk to her.

"Bubba, can I come in?" I knock gently on her bedroom door. "Yeah," she speaks tiredly. I walk in with a small smile on my face and sit at the end of her bed. "What's up?" She questions.

"I think we need to have a talk. I'm concerned about you," I sigh. "What? Why?"

I take a deep breath, deciding to go straight into it. "I've noticed that you've been drinking a lot. Especially for your age. And I think it might be becoming a issue that if—"
"What are you on about?" She scoffs. "I'm fine."

"Y/N, just let me talk," I warn. "You're waking up hungover at least three times a week and whether or not you see it - it is something that I'm worrying about because it's the beginning of a very dark path that I'm not going to let you go down."

"Mom, you're overreacting," she rolls her eyes. "It's not even that big of a deal. You're just making it out to be."

"What?" She snaps. Instant regret is shown in her face, but she chooses to get up from the bed and walk out her room. "Where are you going?" I question. "Out."

"Y/N, get your ass back here. You're not going anywhere until I've finished talking with you," I scold. "I don't really care about what you have to say. I don't want to hear it!" She yells as she puts her uggs that were left beside the front door.

Just as she reaches for the door handle, I grab her arms and pull her back. "Let go of me!" She raises her voice and slaps my arm away before trying to walk out the door again. I stand in her way, stopping her from being able to get past.

Her hand slaps across my cheek before I can even get a word in. Tears instantly well in my eyes as I stand there in shock, allowing Y/N to push past me and leave.

heyyyy! 🤍 there will be a part 2 to thisss. sorry about the cliffhangerrrr

anyways. please go read this book! seriously you're missing out if you haven't. it's amazing

 it's amazing

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