always enough.

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*this is super random and isn't really a Scarlett one shot, but I felt like writing and I didn't have anywhere else to put it!

It begins with a single thought;

I don't like the way I look.

Your sixteen-year-old self feels lost. There's an unexplainable void suddenly weighing on your life. You don't know what's missing, you don't know what caused it, and you certainly don't know how to deal with it.

Everyone else seems to be coping fine though, so you think you should be too.
You push the emptiness you feel to the side and hope that ignoring it will do the trick.

It doesn't.

Because nobody you see has experienced life in the same way you have.

Not everybody has experienced the same level of trauma.

Some have experienced less, some more.

Nobody's is invalid, including your own, but you don't always know that at sixteen. You think you should just get over it. It's not a big deal, right? It happens, move on.

That's how you were raised.

I believed that to be true for the longest time.

I never felt good enough for anyone, especially not myself. I saw so many flaws, and so much imperfection in the mirror that I thought I deserved to starve myself.

I was always too loud, or too quiet. Too enthusiastic about stupid things, too busy, too lazy. I was either lacking in confidence or too self-obsessed. I was too afraid to ask for help despite being told that it was okay to, because when I did, I was too weak or too unaware of other peoples time and energy.

I went to war with myself.

Now at twenty-years-old, I have more of an understanding.

My heart breaks for how cruel I used to be to the same girl I look at in the mirror today.

My inner world can sometimes still turn upside down and inside out, but I've learnt that you have to let yourself feel when that happens...and try not to get consumed by it.

Sounds complicated, because it is. But you will learn. You will find the balance.

Because you're human, you're not going to be perfect at it all the time. You're going to mess up, you're going to have bad days or weeks, you might even relapse.

The good news is, it will all work out. You'll find a way.

You just have to let yourself feel.

Let yourself feel what it's like to live and for the love of god, do not invalidate yourself or refuse to see how far you have come.

Scarlett Johansson x Daughter One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now