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Age: 13 (if that wasn't obvious)
*scarly is the step-mom, Colin is the dad

I haven't seen my Mom in seven years. She was into some sketchy stuff, of which I still don't know the full extent of.
She went to prison which obviously just left my Dad and I together.

We have a weird relationship. I love him so much, but I think sometimes I get a little stuck on how to talk to him. Especially when it comes to boys and periods.

I was a shit of a child. I've caused my father a heck of a lot of stress, which I now feel incredibly bad for because my seven to twelve year old self wasn't aware that he was also in a lot of pain too. Sometimes I still forget that I'm not the only one effected by my Mother's choices.

A couple of months ago, we moved in with his girlfriend, Scarlett.
They've been together for over a year, but Dad didn't introduce me to her until the six month mark. So, moving in with someone who wasn't my Mom felt strange.

I really do like Scarlett though. She's been nothing but kind to me and never forced me to do anything I didn't want to, which at first was spending one on one time with her.

I never even felt like she was trying to replace my Mom, I just have extreme mommy issues and find it hard to let myself be myself around her. So, I try to avoid spending any time alone with her. Like now.

Dad has a full day of work, which left me home alone with Scarlett.
It's a Saturday and we're planing on going to watch Dad on SNL tonight, but that's hours away still.

So, whilst my Scarlett kept herself occupied with cleaning the house, I invited my boyfriend over. Neither of them know about him because I know they wouldn't approve, so I snuck him in through my bedroom window.


"Hey honey, I was wondering if you'd—oh my god," Scarlett's voice quickly approaches as she swings my bedroom door open and I reach to pull the sheets over our naked bodies.

She just stands there in shock, understandably so, but I'm very uncomfortable right now. I can only imagine how Jordan is feeling.

"Get out!"

Finally, she steps out and slams the door behind her. I don't think it was on purpose though, she just got out as quickly as she could.

"You should go," I tell my boyfriend and he agrees. We both get out of bed and throw our clothes back on before I go to show him out...expect he's already begun climbing out the window.

"What are you doing? She knows now, you may as well save yourself the trouble," I chuckle. "I may be saving myself the trouble, but I'd be gaining the embarrassment so I'm gonna stick to the window," he decides, waving me off.

"You're such a wuss," I tease, tilting my head.

"I'm ashamed of it," he laughs, closing the window from the outside as I watch him pad across the roof to climb down the tree.

"I wanna kill myself," I sigh, preparing myself for the embarrassment I'm about to face.

"Scarlett?" I call out, making my way down the stairs. "Kitchen!"

"Okay, I've prepared myself so, yell," I tell her, covering my ears with my hands. I watch as she giggles and comes around the counter, gently taking ahold of my wrists and pulling my hands off my ears.

"I'm not going to yell," she assure me gently, gesturing her head to the stool beside me. I take a seat and look up at her nervously.

"I don't want to overstep your boundaries here, Y/N, but I think we should talk about this," she starts.

I reluctantly nod, letting her know that it's okay to continue on.

"You're thirteen years old, honey, you shouldn't be having sex," she sighs, although I can see in her face that she's genuinely concerned. "I'm okay, really. We're using protection and being safe," I tell her, nervously playing with the pen that's happened to be resting on the kitchen counter.

"I'm glad you are, trust me. But that's beside the point. There's so much more to sex than 'just being safe'. There's an emotional side to it that at thirteen, you're not ready for," she explains softly, walking back around to the other side of the counter.

"You think I should stop?" I ask knowingly, resting my chin in my hands, my elbows on the counter.

"I highly suggest it, but I also remember what it was like to be a teenager so I know that me telling you not to do something isn't always going to work, so...I'm going to talk to your Dad about it—"

"No—" I whine.

"Hey, missy," she narrows her eyes at me, "if you're going to be having sex, you're going to have to deal with the consequences of it."

"Now, as I was saying, I'm going to talk to your Dad about it and we can discuss putting you on birth control if you continue doing it. You gotta understand though that he might not be as calm about this as me. He loves you very much and you're his little girl, so be prepared for some serious boundaries," she warns, quirking an eyebrow.

"Fine," I huff, completely unsatisfied with the fact she's going to speak to Dad.

"Good. Lastly, come with me," she orders, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me upstairs. "Where are we going?"

She doesn't answer me, instead continues to pull me into her and Dad's shared bathroom. "Wait there," she orders, crouching down to the cupboard underneath the sink.

Whilst she's rummaging through whatever she's rummaging through I decided to go throw the drawers beside the sink.

Bad idea.

"Ew, ew, ew," I cry, pretending to gag as her attention turns to up to me. "What's wrong?" She frowns.

"You should have warned me to not look in the drawers," I groan.

"Oh, don't look in the drawers. There's stuff in there you don't wanna see," she speaks nonchalantly before pulling out what I can only perceive as a pregnancy test.

"Are you serious?" I scold. "Deadly. Go pee on the stick," she orders, smiling as she passes me the small box and walks out the bathroom.

"Why I am doing this?" I raise my voice, sitting on the toilet. "Because if it comes back positive then I'm going to be having a very different conversation with your father," she explains from the other side of the door.

I internally groan, and once I'm doing and have washed my hands I give her the all clear to come back in.

"What if it's positive?" I question, suddenly feeling extremely anxious. "Then congratulations," she jokes.

"Please be serious," I ask to which her expression softens as she kisses my forehead. "If it's positive, you have a few different options. But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it. Give it a few more minutes," she says.

I nod and wrap my arms around her as if to thank her. She returns the cuddle, gently rocking me side to side. "What were you going to ask before this all happened?" I question curiously. "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to come see a movie with me or go to the mall?" She offers.

"I'd really like that," I decide. "Yay," she smiles, ruffling up my hair a little.

"Alright kiddo, it's time."

She turns the pregnancy test over. There's only one line. "Does that mean it's negative?" I question hopefully. "It does," she smiles lightly to which I let out a massive sigh of relief. "Oh thank god."

"Thank you, Scarlett," I say. "Of course, my sweet girl. Now let me do your hair. You can't go out looking like this."

I have a love hate relationship with this one shot

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