champagne problems: part three

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"Hi honey, you okay?" I ask over the phone as I make my way through to the living room. "Mom, I need you to not freak out," Y/N says. I feel myself freeze for a moment. That's never a good start.

"Don't give me something to freak out about and I won't freak out," I say. "I'm serious mom. I really need you," her voice shakes. "Okay, I'll try not to freak out," I hesitate. Now I'm worried.

"I need you to come to the hospital," she tells me. "What? Y/N what happened?"

I immediately go to make my way back upstairs to put on a pair of shoes and a coat.

"Lachlan hurt me. I'm fine, I just have a concussion but they want to monitor me overnight."

I hold back a gasp. The man downstairs hurt my daughter so much so that she's ended up in the hospital. Immediately I feel sick. I can't decide whether I want to cry or kill him.

"What did he do to you, sweetheart?" I ask nervously. "He um...he smashed a champagne bottle across my head," she starts to cry.

Oh my god.

"Honey," I sigh, "I'm so so sorry. I'll be there in half and hour, okay?"
"Okay," she sniffs. "Do you want to stay on the phone until I get there?" I offer. "No, it's alright. My doctor's about to come back in to check on me. I'll be okay until then," she says. "Alright sweetheart, I love you so much."
"I love you too, mom."

She hangs up and once I'm dressed into something more appropriate than my pyjamas, I head back downstairs. Colin is locking the front door as I get to the bottom of the staircase. "Where'd he go?" I question harshly. "Home, I think. He had a friend in the car with him so he's not drinking and driving," he tells me. I don't answer. "Is everything okay?"

I shake my head as I feel a lump form in my throat. "He hurt Y/N and she's in the hospital," I explain, feeling myself start to cry. I've never seen Colin's expression fill with so much rage. "What did he do?" He questions. "He smashed a bottle across her head," I try to blink my tears away. It doesn't work. Colin is quick to wrap his arms around me as I let myself cry for a couple of minutes.

"Would you like me to come with you?" He offers. "It's okay. You stay here with Rose," I say. "Are you sure you're okay to drive though?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. It's only twenty minutes away."
"Okay," he nods, "call me if you need anything?"
"I will. Thank you, I love you," I smile sadly. "I love you too."

I end the call with my mom as Doctor Shepherd walks in with another doctor. "Did you get a hold of your mom?" Doctor Shepherd asks. "Yeah, she'll be here soon," I explain and she nods with small smile.

"This is Doctor Montgomery," she gestures to the redhead next to her, "she'd like to take you for an ultrasound if that's okay with you?"
"Okay," I nod anxiously.


"I'd say that you're around eight weeks pregnant," Doctor Montgomery informs me as she moves the sonogram around my stomach.

"Do twins run in your family?" She questions, her eyes still on the screen. "Yeah, my moms a twin," I nod, "why?"

She looks down at me. "I'm picking up two heartbeats."

I'm having twins.
I don't know if I can do this.
I'm not even fit to be a mother to one child.

I bring my hands up to my face. "I don't know how this happened. I mean, I haven't even had any symptoms," I tell her.

"It's rare, but some women don't show any signs of pregnancy until about ten weeks," she explains. "And as for contraceptives, what did you use?"
"I'm on the pill," I say.

Her eyebrows knit together as she nods. "In most women, unless you're consistent in taking them at the same time everyday, it can mean it's only ninety-one percent effective," she says. I nod as I feel myself starting to feel upset again.

In the last few hours I've felt so angry, sad and incredibly scared and it varies from minute to minute.

"Do you want to talk about your options?" Doctor Montgomery asks.

I think about it for a moment. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I do know that I need my mom. I need to tell her about this because I need her help.

"Not right now, is that okay?" I ask hesitantly. "Of course," she nods with a small smile, "I'd like to check on you and the babies in the morning because you've had some trauma to your head, so we can have a talk about it then?"
"Okay, thank you," I smile lightly.

When I was shown to Y/N's hospital room I felt myself start to cry the moment I saw her. She looked so exhausted. It was only her in the room.

Obviously they had cleaned up her face, but you could see where the glass had cut her due to the multiple steri strips. There was dried up blood still in her hair too.

"Hi sweetheart," I smile sadly. "Hi mom," she frowns as her eyes become glassy. "Can I sit next to you?" I ask. She nods and shuffles over in the bed to make room for me.

"How are you feeling?" I question as I carefully sit beside her. She shrugs, a few tears slipping from her eyes. "I'm scared," she mumbles, leaving her head on my shoulder.

I grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it gently. "I know."

"I need to tell you something, mom. Well two things," she admits shakily. "What is it?" I coax gently. "Lachlan proposed to me tonight and I said no."

A part of me is surprised he proposed because I know that the two of them had talked about waiting until after college, but there's another part of me who always knew he would but despite the obvious, I still ask her, "Do you know why?"
"I don't want to get married right now, I'm not ready. But I think subconsciously there's a multitude of reasons I don't want to marry him."

I nod. "I'm proud of you. I know that must've hard to do," I say before kissing her cheek. In my mind I'm so relieved she said no, I've always known that she was way too good for him and I'm not just saying that as her mother.

"What was the other thing you wanted to tell me?"

She's quiet.


"I'm pregnant," she says, "with twins."

Now I'm quiet.

"Mom, can you say something please?" She speaks nervously.

"W-when did you find out?" I question. "A couple of hours ago. My doctor said that she wanted to take me for and MRI because they don't like to do CT's on pregnant women and that's how I found out."

"Are you okay? How do you feel about it?" I ask softly. "I don't know. I had an ultrasound just before you got here and I heard their heartbeats. I haven't really had much time to process anything but I think I want to have them," she says hesitantly.

"Honey, whatever decision you make I will always support you. If having the babies is what you want, I will be there to help out whenever you need and I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to be the most incredible mama," I tell her gently.

I feel her tears drop onto my shoulder as she nods. "Thank you, mom."

We fall into a comfortable silence for a while. Y/N cuddles up to me as close as she possibly can as I hold her in my arms.

"What do we do about Lachlan?" She asks. "We can figure that out tomorrow, you need to get some rest," I say softly. "Yeah okay," she sighs.

"You're amazing mom, I love you."

"You're amazing too my beautiful girl. I love you more than life."

A/N: I got tired towards the end but I really liked writing these three parts. I don't know if it's any good but still aha

anyways, I hope you have a great day <3

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