blatantly obvious: two

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Of all the ways I thought I would 'come out' to my mom, what happened yesterday surely wasn't it. I didn't really think that she would hate me for it, but there has always been that 'what if' voice inside my head.

Ally is the first girl I've ever really liked. I mean sure, there were girls in the first and second grade I was sure I was gonna marry, but that thought didn't last longer that a few days at best.

The thing is, I don't know if Ally is into girls. I had heard her and her friend group talk about someone being bisexual, but who knows if they were even talking about her. The only thing I have comforting all my doubt is the fact that these last couple of weeks she's chosen to sit with me and my friends at lunch instead of her group.

Sometimes I think I'm making a fool of myself every time I'm in the same room as her. I probably...I most definitely am. I'm sure my mom would agree. But honestly, how are you supposed to act around someone you spend hundred percent of the time thinking about.

Everything about her makes me swoon. Her gorgeous long brown, wavy hair. Her ocean blue eyes. Her smile. Her freckles. Everything.

Also, this is probably the most horny teenager thing I've ever admitted, but man I've never wanted to sit on someone's face before.

We've got a long way to go before we get there though. I haven't even kissed anybody, let alone had sex.


"Where's Ally?" Mom questions as I get into the passenger seat. It's a Friday which means she didn't have work, otherwise I'd usually walk to the car with her. "She's going home first and is coming at five-ish," I inform her.

"Are you excited?" She teases, tickling my stomach. "Shut up," I groan, causing her to giggle. "Is she staying for dinner?"
"I mean probably, yeah," I shrug. "You wanna order in?"

"Pizza? Oh wait no, she's a vegetarian," I correct myself. "Y/N, hon, they make vegetarian pizza," she reminds me. "Oh yeah," I chuckle.

When we got home the first the I did was shower. I had to gym and probably needed one. Then, I finally cleaned my room after mom had been telling me to all week. I had a motive. Clearly.

Just before five o'clock, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it," I yell, running down the stairs to answer it.

"Hi," I smile sheepishly, opening the door. "Hey, you," she says, immediately hugging me. I feel my cheeks heat up, most definitely turning a deep shade of red.

I hear my mom walk over as we pull away. "Hi Ally, how are you?" She questions with a gentle smile. "I'm good thank you, how are you?" Ally replies, tucking her hands into the back pockets of her jeans and lifting her shoulders slightly. "I'm good," Mom smiles with a slight nod.

"Right well, we're gonna go to my room now to start this stupid project you gave us," I admit. "Yeah, yeah. I love you too," Mom laughs.

I grab Ally by the wrist and drag her upstairs to my room with me, closing the door behind us.

"Woah, you have a lot of books." Is the first thing she says. "Yeah," I laugh nervously, "I like to read."
"I can tell. What's your favourite book?" She questions, jumping onto my bed. "Umm, so far it's probably The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo or I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray right now and it's amazing so far," I admit.

"Oh my god, I love Evelyn Hugo!" Ally enthuses. "You've read it?" I grin, sitting beside her and crossing my legs. "Three times," she laughs, "Evelyn and Celia...I can't even begin to explain how much I love them together!"

The two of us spend the next ten minutes going on about our favourite book. Finally, I've found someone who shares the same love for it.

"We should probably get started," Ally sighs. "Yep," I agree, "curse my Mom for giving out assignments. I mean don't you think I should get away with not doing this sort of stuff, she's my Mom," I joke.

"Well, I for one am glad she doesn't because it means I het to spend more time with you," Ally laughs, ruffling my hair up, causing me to blush for about the one hundredth time in the last ten minutes.

This is the definition of gay panic.


"Ally," I wave my hand in front of her face. She shakes her head, coming out her daze. "You were staring," I giggle.

"Oh. Sorry." Maybe I'm seeing things, but her cheeks look a shade of pink. "It's okay," I tell her, turning my attention back to my laptop.

"Y/N, I like you," she blurts out, "a-as more than a friend."

I immediately turn my head back to her and try to contain kicking my legs in excitement. "Y-You do?" I ask, a grin on my face. She nods. "You don't have to say anything. I was planning you at some point just not that...abruptly, sorry," she laughs, picking at her fingernails.

"I like you too, Ally. Like, so much it's not even funny," I tell her with a nervous chuckle. "Really? You're not just saying that because you feel bad?" She asks. "Oh god no, I'm not that nice."
She laughs at this.

"Do you think that maybe we got out this weekend? We could go to the movies, although it's kinda basic for a first date. We could maybe go to the beach and have a picnic and read?" She suggests. The word 'date' makes my veins feel like they're on fire it excites me that much.

"Yeah, that would nice," I nod with a shy smile. Ally returns the smile, taking a deep breath. "Good."

The next few moments are probably awkward to the outside eye, but it surprisingly feels comfortable to me as her eyes scan over my face, landing on my lips.

"You can say no, but I feel like I've been wanting to kiss you forever, so can I?" She questions in a whisper. I try to answer verbally but feel too caught up...well in my own feelings. So instead, I shuffle closer to her, gently moving the hair out of her face.

At the time, we close the gap between our faces as our lips meet. My body feels like a thousand fireworks have gone off. It feels like I'm floating on air.

Man, if this is how it feels when she kisses me I can't begin to think what it anything more would feel like.

She pulls away first. "Was that okay?" She questions with a small smile. "Better than I'd ever imagined."
I cringe at my own cheesiness, but I meant it.
"Oh, so you've imagined kissing me?" She smirks. "Shut up," I chuckle.

"Girls! Pizza's here!" I hear Mom yell from downstairs. "I'll go get it. Do you wanna pick a movie to watch?" I shrug. "What about the assignment?"
"Oh, yeah," I pause, "We can work on it during class on Monday?"
Ally nods with a small smile, turning on my TV.

I smile and make my way downstairs. "How's it going so far?" Mom questions as I walk into the kitchen. I'm pretty the grin on my face gives everything away. "Good I take it?"

"We kissed," I smile wider than I think I ever have. "You did?" She gasps. "Mhm."
"Are you gonna go out?" She asks excitedly. "Yep, this weekend."

"Yay!" Mom smiles, shaking my body back and forth with her hands on my shoulders.

I smile at her excitement as I pick up the two pizza boxes. "I love you, mama," I say. "I love you too, missy. Now go back upstairs."

"I am," I roll my eyes jokingly. "Oh, and leave the door slightly open please!"
"Mom, are serious? I'm sixteen," I whine. "I'm just kidding. But like...please don't like do anything whilst I'm here for my own sanity," she begs.

I love Scarlett Johansson
Also I Elizabeth Olsen
^^^i had a dream I met her last night

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