daddy issues

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Age: 14
Warnings: short and shit

Y/N's dad has never been on the scene much. He was around for the early years of her childhood but then remarried and moved across the country, leaving a very confused and unhappy seven year old girl behind.

Throughout the years, the contact had been very limited. Not because I restricted Y/N from her dad, but because he'd never call. In fact, I would beg him to check in at least weekly but it was like talking to a brick wall. He wouldn't listen when I would tell him that I had a hysterical child in my arms because she wanted her dad.

As of this past year though, he's stepped into his role a little more and by that I mean he moved back to New York and will make the effort once or twice a month to come see spend the day with her.

Like today, he took her out to see a movie after going for lunch. But much to Y/N's displeasure, he brought his new girlfriend along too, despite the fact he spends every waking moment with her and three hours bimonthly with his own daughter. But, Y/N was desperate to spend time with him and talk all about how excited she is to start high-school in the fall, so she went anyway.

Just after five in the evening, a car pulled up in the driveway and I watched my daughter step out in a huff before making her way inside. "Hey, honey. What's wrong?"

The tears in her eyes as she storms past me and upstairs are enough to send me into a feeling of rage. Not at her. At her poor excuse of a father. So at that, I take myself out the front and tap on the drivers window.

"Why is Y/N crying?" I question once the window is down and I'm leaning into the car. He shares a knowing look with the new woman who inspired his move back the city. "Sarah's been offered an amazing job in Australia starting in a few weeks and I'm going with her," he explains.

"You're moving to Australia? Do you realise how far away that is? What about Y/N?" With everything in me I'm withholding myself from punching him in the face. How on earth he thinks it's okay to screw with our daughters head like that is so beyond me I can't even begin to fathom it.

"I'm well aware of the distance, Scarlett."

"You know what, you're done," I decide.


"You do not get to come into Y/N's life whenever you fucking feel like it and get her hopes up at the chance she might actually have a father who gives two shits about her, just to pack your bags again and leave! I will not allow her to grow up anymore thinking that's okay!"

My outburst has been a long time coming. Part of me has been waiting for this the moment he showed up at our door last year and told us he was in New York to stay.

"I want to be in Y/N's life. I want to fight for custody. She can come spend half the year with me in Melbourne."

"What on earth makes you think you have a chance in court? I can count on one hand how many times you've made the effort to see Y/N this year. For goodness sakes, you don't even pay child support," I scold.

"Yeah, well, things have changed."

"No, they haven't! What did I literally just say? You are the exact same person you were when you left your little girl crying in my arms every single night because she thought her dad left because he hated her! In fact, when I go up and see her in a minute, I can almost guarantee she's thinking the same thing seven years later."

I don't give him a single second to bite back before I take myself back inside and up to Y/N's room. My heart breaks all over again when I see her curled up in a ball on top of her sheets as she sobs.

"Oh, my sweet girl," I sigh, sliding into the bed beside her and pulling her into my arms. "I hate him so much, Mom. I hate him," she cries, her tears falling onto my shirt as she lays her head on my chest.

At this point, I can't even to tell her off for saying she hates her own father because right now, so do I. She has all the reason in the world to be angry with him. I can't even begin the imagine the betrayal she's feeling in this moment.

"I don't know why he can't stay for me."

"I don't know why either, sweetheart. I'm so sorry."

I. Hate. This. Goodbye.

Have some mushrooms 🍄🍄🍄 (not the kind that get you high though) xx

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