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Night has fallen as the group, took refuge escaping deeper into woods in the mountain. After making sure that they weren't being followed, Blue Eyes decided that it was safe enough to rest. Blue Eyes helped Lily down from his horse while Rocket, Ash, Bumi and Crystal, who was riding on Bumi's back, hopped down from the other horses and started to set up camp. Ash tossed in some twigs and branches as he started up a small fire pit. As he was finishing up, Blue Eyes sat down in front of it and Bumi and Crystal sat across from him, warming up. Ash looked up at the two primates and signed to Blue Eyes. Bumi caught a glimpse of it as he saw Ash moving his fingers. "What's your friend saying?" He asked Blue Eyes.

"Doesn't that make your throat hurt? Talking?" Blue Eyes spoke.

"It does a little. But got used to it over time."

The three heard a sharp hiss and looked to see Lily dabbing the bullet graze on Rocket's arm with some alcohol, cleaning it. The ape smacked the cloth out of Lily's hand with an angry hoot.

"It's done now. Had to clean it. Now just let the air heal it and stop picking at it." She told him, picking up the med kit, putting away the supplies. Lily got and headed back over to Blue Eyes and Ash walked over to his father and sat down.

"I wanted to thank you people again for helping us with the soldiers." Bumi said to them.

"What brings you this far out here?" Blue Eyes asked.

"Are there more of you?" Lily asked as well. Bumi looked down as Crystal was sleeping in his lap then looked back at the group.

"There were others. Several years before the outbreak. Humans kept us, experimented on us. One day, word got out about an ape who rose up and said "No." Blue Eyes and Lily's widen as did Rocket's and Ash's.

"That's Caesar!" Rocket signed.

"That's my father!" Blue Eyes exclaimed. "The ape that you're talking about that's him."

Bumi's looked at him in surprise as well before he smiled. "Your father? What a surprise and now I'm traveling with his son. Life is so strange." Bumi made a small laugh of a hoot and continued. "Son, your father is a famous tale among us. He gave us the inspiration to fight back. We decided no more and rebelled as well. However, many others died as they tried to escape. Crystal's parents were among them." He sighed, sadly. Lily looked sadly at the marmoset sleeping in Bumi's lap while Blue Eyes sat quietly waiting for Bumi to continue.

"I took her and escaped but injured my hip, leaving me unable to walk without my staff. It's just the two of us now. We're trying to find a friend of mine who had managed to escape as well. We got separated."

"How do you know that he's still alive?" Lily asked him. "Humans have hunted down apes over the years after the outbreak."

"I have no doubt that he's still alive. He is very strong. He was raised in the wild before he was brought here." Bumi replied.

"I hope that you find him."

"That is kind of you to say. We don't get that very often." Bumi told her. Lily yawned feeling her eyes growing heavy. Blue Eyes tapped her shoulder and Lily turned to him.

"You go to sleep. I'll join you in a few minutes." He signed to her. Lily smiled tiredly and nodded before she leaned in and kissed Blue Eyes. He kissed her back and she got up and hobbled over to the sleeping bags, slipping into them. Ash was snoring very loudly as he went out like a light, completely exhausted. Rocket signed to Blue Eyes that he was going to keep watch. He got up and climbed up a tree, perching above on the high branches.

"Why are you apes out here?" Bumi asked them. Blue Eyes turned to him.

"Soldiers are coming. Not safe. Apes need a new home. Father sent me." Blue Eyes spoke.

"That is a very high task fallen on someone young such as you." Bumi replied.

"It is." Blue Eyes answered.

He was worried about his father, his mother, his little brother. And Lily. How could he keep them all safe? How could he keep apes safe? He needed to find their new home as soon as possible. Somewhere far. Away from humans and any danger. Somewhere they can be free. He imagined ape children running around, like Ash and him when they were little, playing. No war. He glanced over at Lily who was fast asleep in her sleeping bag. Blue Eyes felt his heart beating fast as he laid his eyes on her. It was a topic that Blue Eyes had never thought before.

He was a prince and eventually he would need an heir to continue his father's legacy. As much as the burden fell onto him it would fall on them as well. But what about Lily? Would she even want any children? She was good with the ape children, especially Cornelius. But would it even be possible for the her and him to even have children together? They were completely different species. He would still love her no matter what. Then Blue Eyes heard Bumi spoke. He looked up at the primate, snapping out of his thoughts.

"We should get some rest. We'll both need it." He laid down, while gently placing Crystal beside him. She curled up in his chest, still sleeping. Blue Eyes got up and walked over to some bushes pulling some branches and leaves and walked back over to Lily. He made a bed and laid down beside her. Lily turned around and moved closer to him. Blue Eyes pulled her in his arms and the two of them went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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