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Morning had come, and it was starting to drizzle. Inside the tent, Alex, was the only one up, while Lily Malcolm and Ellie were still sleeping. He was completely engrossed in his graphic novel when a low grumble of a hoot caught his ears. He looked up and saw the very same orangutan that saved him from Koba, Maurice. The Orangutan sat quietly, staring at him. He was looking at something, curiously, completely focused on it.

Alex looked down at his comic book then back towards the ape and stood up walking over towards him. Lily heard someone get up and she opened her eyes slightly to see Alex walking up to Maurice. He was holding his comic book and held it out to the orangutan "For yesterday." Maurice took it from him and sat down flipping the cover open. Alex knelt down, beside him, surprised by the ape's intelligence and asked "You can read?"

Maurice answered him and signed "A little."

Alex reached down, to hold the book open for him, and replied "I'll help you."

Malcolm had also woken up when he heard Alex and looked over and saw his son reading with the orangutan. He reached over and gently shook Ellie, who was still sleeping, next to him, by her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered opened and she sat up "What is it?" He pointed over her and she looked over to see Alex and Maurice. Alex felt eyes on the back of his head and he turned around to see everyone had awoken from their slumber. Lily smirked at him and signed "You guys having a nice kodiak moment?" Alex blushed and replied "Shut up."

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