No Respect For Personal Boundaries

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Koba had returned with his apes after they followed the human group back to their settlement. He informed Caesar that there were many of them. Caesar called for a council meeting to discuss the dilemma. Other apes, Rocket, Ash, who was now conscious and treated for his gunshot wound, Koba, Luca, Maurice, and his son gathered around him and the council started. 

 Koba furiously signed "We should attack the humans! Before they attack us!" Maurice shook his head disagreeing and signed, stating his opinion "We should reason with them! We don't know how many guns they have or why they're here. We need to find out!" Koba huffed then looked at Rocket "They shot your son rocket! Don't you want to fight?"

 Rocket shook his head and pointed at Caesar "I follow Caesar." Blue eyes quickly interjected "Koba is right!" backing his uncle up. Then he looked at Ash when he noticed that he was quiet the whole time and signed "They almost killed you Ash!" hoping that he would side with him. As he finished, a huge argument broke out. Apes from different sides hooted and grunted on whether to go to war or not. 

Then someone roared out a loud "NO!" Blue eyes went silent as well as the other apes and they looked at Caesar. Caesar signed "If we go to war...we could lose all we've built." then spoke and continued "Home...Family...Future." then signed "I will decide at dawn." and disbanded the council. 

As Caesar was going to check on his mate and newborn son a female ape approached him. She was wearing what appeared to be medical or shaman like attire. A headdress made of bones or teeth from a small animal and a necklace possibly made from the same with rounded design repeated all around it. It was Rockets mate and Ash's mother Tinker.

 She has also been taking care of his ill wife, as she was still weak from childbirth, and his new son. As Tinker approached, getting closer to him , Caesar noticed that something was wrong. She appeared to be in distress and was hooting. He calmly replied "What is it Tinker?" She replied and signed

                                         "Cornelius is missing."

A tiny and curious baby ape peeked through the doorway, not before looking around to see if the close was clear. He noticed something in the middle of the room.  Laying on a pile of leaves, sleeping was Lily. Cautiously, he slowly walked over to her and sat down. He picked up a lock of her long black hair and began playing with it until something shined in his eye. 

He looked down to find a strange trinket around her neck. He picked up but frowned and turned his head to the side. He couldn't make out what it said. But, there were strange markings on it "Make me an instrument of your peace." Then he heard someone calling his name "Cornelius?" Cornelius jumped when he heard his father and dropped the trinket and quickly ran towards the exit before looking at the unconscious girl one last time and left.

Caesar looked at his son and replied  "Do you have any clue as to where your brother might be?" Blue eyes signed "No, but he couldn't have gone far." Caesar heard small chattering and something hugging his leg. He looked down to see Cornelius reaching up at him wanting to be picked up "There you are!"

 He bent down and scooped Cornelius up holding him then looked at Blue eyes "I need you to look after the human while your brother and I go check on your mother." Blue eyes huffed and frowned before signing "Can't you ask someone else to do it?" Caesar replied firmly "I'm asking you, son." Blue eyes let out a groan in annoyance before signing back "Fine."

 As he watched his father and brother walk off. He went to where Lily was at, and sat down on the ground with his crossed and huffed. Then he heard someone speak "So, you got stuck with babysitting duty." He turned his head and looked up to see Ash  playfully smirking down at him. He huffed, still mad, and replied "Go away, Ash." Ash looked at Lily and starting walking towards her "She doesn't look dangerous." 

Blue eyes noticed that he was getting a little too close "Ash what are you doing?" Ash picked up Lily's arm and let it go letting it drop to the ground and signed "You sure she's alive? She took that hit in the head pretty hard." Blue eyes yelled "Will you stop touching it?!" But Ash didn't hear him then he noticed something on her arm "Hey what's that?" Blue eyes called out to him "Ash!"

 Ash rolled up Lily's sleeve to find several small scars on her arm, which appeared to be from injection sites. Ash frowned not knowing what they were but rolled back Lily's sleeve then signed "Do you want to go fishing?" Blue eyes pointed at Lily lying on the ground and signed back "Not right now." Ash continued persisting and signed "C'mon! You'll be back before your father even knows you're gone." Blue eyes looked at the female human before deciding, then looked at Ash and signed "Okay, fine. Let's go."

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