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There was a long awkward silence on the way back to the ape settlement. Neither Blue eyes or Lily spoke or even acknowledged each other. Each still unsure about what happened earlier. As they made it there, Ash looked at both of them and replied "You guys are weird. I'm going to go."

And he left leaving the two of them alone.

They stood in silence not knowing what to say.

Finally made up her mind, Lily turned to the blue eyed ape and signed "Blue eyes we need to talk."

He brushed off what she said and walked off, now leaving her by herself.

Lily slapped her forehead repeatedly (Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why did I have to go and kiss him!? Now he won't even look at me! I'm such an idiot!)

Then Lily heard a small chirp and hoot and looked down to see Cornelius looking up at her.

She let out a small laugh "How do you keep escaping from everyone's eyes? Go back your mother's probably worried about you."

Cornelius looked up at her confused, not knowing sign yet.

Then she heard a small sound "M-M-M-a-"

Lily quickly looked down at him and replied "Did you just say something?"

Cornelius opened his mouth until he replied "Ma-Mama?"

He had spoken his first word. And only a few days old nonetheless. One of the perks being born from two genetically altered apes.

Lily's eyes widen and she shook her head and pointed up at the tree house and replied "I'm not your mother. She's up there. Go up there if you want her."

Cornelius ignored her, turning his head to the side and smiled and pointed up and Lily, repeating "Mama!"

Then he started to wobbled to her and clinged on to her leg.

Lily let out a exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose (Great...This is just perfect. First, I get kidnapped. Then, I kissed your brother and now you're calling me Mama. This day just can't get any worse can't it!?)

Lily walked up the tree, carrying Cornelius who was still clinging to her leg, until she made it to the top and sat down at the edge looking down at the entire ape settlement then taking in the view of the forest and mountains from afar. She heard someone take a seat next to her and turned her head to see that it was, Cornelia.

Lily quickly signed to her "What are you doing?! You need rest!"

Cornelia let out a small huff and signed "I've rested plenty. I actually feel a whole lot better now. I'm able to move about now without breaking down into a cough."

Then she paused and looked around as if she was looking for something and signed "By the way, have you seen Cornelius? I'm afraid he escaped again."

Lily reached down and picked up Cornelius who was hiding from his mother's view and handed him over to her "Can you take him?"

Cornelia smiled as she took him from her when she saw that he was trying to reach back towards Lily wanting her to hold him.

She signed "He seems to be very fond of you."

Lily quickly looked away mumbling "I don't know why."

Cornelia continued "Did something happened between you and Blue eyes? He stopped by before running off. He's acting strange and so are you."

Lily made a nervous laugh and quickly signed so fast that Cornelia almost couldn't catch all of it "Strange? Who's acting strange? I'm fine, really! Just dandy! It's not like I've kissed him or anything!"

Cornelia looked at her shocked by what she had just heard then she smiled and signed "So that's what happened."

Lily winced when she realized she had said (Crap...)

She felt her cheeks turn red, feeling completely embarrassed, and quickly signed "I wasn't thinking clearly and now he won't even acknowledge me. I messed up."

Cornelia smiled and made a hooted laugh softly "Just like his father..."

Lily looked at her confused and replied "What?"

Cornelia smiled and signed "Caesar was the same way with me. I tried every advance to get him to notice that I was interested in him. But he would brush me off or pretend he wasn't interested."

Lily signed back to her "How did he tell you?"

Cornelia continued "Months before we, apes, escaped. Humans found out about where we were and invaded the forest and set fire to it. Before it got close, he pushed me down along with him on top into a small riverbed. Protected me."

Then Cornelia signed "You two are going to have to work this out, yourselves."

Lily was about to say something when loud hoots excitement interrupted her. Lily and Cornelia peered down to see Malcolm along with Caesar with many other apes.

Malcolm looked up and yelled "I think we did it! Come and see!"

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