• Chapter 34 •

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"Long John Silver?!" I exclaimed.

"Surprised to see me?" He chuckled.

"Slightly" I said, a feeling of apprehension swirling within me.

"Oh c'mon Captain, i'm not all bad." He smiled his mischievous smile. "Ironbeard. Your reputation precedes you." He said, still holding his gun tightly so I decided to etch back slight because I knew my sword wouldn't do much good in a gun fight.

"Yours does not. You shoot, so do I." Ironbeard responded simply.

Neither of the men or cyborgs should I say would budge. "Well then. Seems we've come to an impasse." Silver nodded.

As they continued to hold their ground, I heard someone call my name. It was quiet but loud enough that I could hear it. I turned to see doppler peeking out from behind a mast. He mouthed the word "catch" and showed me the laser gun he had in his possession. We silently agreed on a count, throw and catch. I caught the gun thanked Doppler quietly and stepped forward toward Ironbeard once again.

"Impasse no more. There two of us and one of you. You're outnumbered." I said with confidence, standing alongside Silver.

It was then I could almost see a flicker of a blue light in his mechanical eyes. He was fearful. Understandably so.  As long as Long John Silver was truly here to help me, I finally had Irondbeard in my clutches. However, suddenly sirens started to sound. I couldn't believe it. They had somehow managed to get to the control tower and release the prisoners.

A belly laugh somehow escaped from Ironbeards shiny metal mouth. "Lower your weapon Amelia. You've lost....again." He continued to laugh hysterically, lowering his own gun.

"You five, control tower, now. Close those godforsaken cells back up." Amelia ordered some of her men.

~Tom's P.O.V~
"Wait a second, I know you! You're (Y/n) and Jim's friend.....I can't remember you're name, my apologies." I said, happy to see a friendly familiar face.

"Jim and (Y/n) they're precisely the reason i'm here, I came up to help them out, oh and no worries. I don't remember most things. In fact I don't even remember you, and i'm not afraid to say it. B.E.N.'s the name, comedy is the game. And you are?" The little clunky robot replied.

"I'm Tom and oh well they've gone back down to the Centurion and I've been left here to guard the tower. Also comedy huh? Are you not just a navigational droid?" I was slight confused.

"Well yeah but i'm much more than that. Plus navigational droids are gone out of fashion these days so I been working on my comedy. Hey Tom,  you seem like a nice guy who I don't know or remember at all. You personally have free tickets to my first gig, whenever that may be." B.E.N. replied.

"Wait really? That's so...nice. How're being so nice to me when you don't even know me? Is that even allowed?" I was touched that he invited me but couldn't for the life of me figure out why.

"It's a free world my friend. You can do whatever you want. My mother once said, it's the restraints you put on yourself that hold you back in life. Ah i'm only kidding, I don't even have a mother, not about the sentiment though. Do what you want, unless it's murdering people, please don't do that." B.E.N. explained to me.

"Whoa, that was really profound and wise." I replied.

"I don't think i've ever been called that in my entire life, granted I spent quite a large portion of it stranded by myself on a planet. Still that's very kind of you to say, see you're being nice too, not all that hard really." B.E.N. told me.

"You were stranded on a planet by yourself. Sounds like some actual peace and quiet, oh I mean sounds awful!" I tried my best to be sympathetic.

"Tom my friend, I think you and I are going to get on very well" B.E.N. patted me on the back.

Friend. Friend. That sounds nice. I think we will get on well. That's when all of a sudden the someone started barging at the door of the control room. Maybe a few someones. We're going to have to fight them off together.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V.~
Seriously, we've not been back on the Centurion two minutes and off goes the sirens. It can't have been Tom, I don't believe that. It can't have been, or could it. I looked towards the scene of Ironbeard, Amelia...and Silver?! I didn't have time to even question it. Amelia and Silver were worriedly looking over toward the prison building while Ironbeard laughing. He was in a compromising position, why aren't they doing anything. They must be too distracted but Ironbeard is too, he thinks he's won. He's wrong. We can pull this back. His entire crew on the centurion is down, not dead but down. Sure we have dwindling numbers also but I believe in us all. It was my only chance to really get at Ironbeard, really was completely off guard.

I ran toward him full speed but without even a second, Ironbeards reflexes stopped me, his arm stretched out and grabbed me before I could even get near enough to hurt him. This brought Amelia and Silver's attention back over rapidly.

"Put her down at once." Amelia shouted, her and silvers guns pointed right at the machine himself once again.

"Come on now, drop her" Silver added.

Ironbeards hand gun was pointed directly at my head, "You shoot, I shoot. You stand down...i'll consider letting her go." he chuckled.

"Don't do this, you may be more machine than I, but I know our humanity doesn't leave us no matter how much metal were made of. Don't shoot the girl." Silver tried to reason.

Ironbeard pushed the gun harder against my head. I was sweating, shaking, terrified, but refused to show it on my face. I was gonna brave this no matter what happened. All of a sudden a shot fired from somewhere I don't know where but either way it was the end of me. Or so I thought. I was dropped to the floor in a flash. I turned to around to see Jim, tears falling from his eyes. He had shot Ironbeard right behind the knees which had caused his to fall to the ground. Jim rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms.

"Why is it you always end up saving me?" I laughed, tears forming in my eyes.

"Well because I can't let you die, then i'd have no one to save me." He chuckled, still crying.

Then another gunshot...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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