• Chapter 7 •

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We all sat down, paying attention to Morph, "Where is he Morph?" I asked.

Morph thought for a moment and then turned into a tiny version of a picture frame which was really weird but then a picture began to form in the frame. It was a picture of a city, I luckily knew exactly what city it was.

"That's great Morph but we don't know where that is." Jim said running his hands through his hair.

"Actually, I know exactly where that is." I piped up.

Jim seemed taken aback, "Really?" he asked.

"Wow, (Y/n) knows something that Jim doesn't, big deal." I said, unimpressed with his surprise.

Jim face palmed, "(Y/n) I wasn't trying to-"

I cut him off, "It doesn't matter, anyway, that city is called Keer.".

"Oh Oh, that's ringing a bell. I definitely know that name. It's on a planet in the Lagoon Nebula right?" B.E.N. said getting excited about knowing it.

"Yeah, planet Hael." I smiled at him.

"Huh, it sure looked a lot different when I was there all those years ago. It was really horrible, full of crime and criminals, always so dark there. I mean don't get me wrong, it was full of life, but it was criminal life." B.E.N. went off in a tangent.

"Yeah, it still is full of crime." I sighed. "I've been there with my Aunt, only once because it wasn't a nice place."

"It explains why Silver would there." Jim chimed in.

"Yup." I replied simply.

Morph seemed excited that we had figured it out. Morph still could have been wrong but it was all we could work with right then.

"Ok well we have to go get him." Jim said standing up.

"Yeah we could sneak out on one of the longboats." I replied also standing up.

"Let's do this team!" B.E.N exclaimed, jumping up.

"Uh, B.E.N....I think it'd be best if just (Y/n) and I went." Jim said with an apologetic look. B.E.N. looked disappointed.

"Reluctantly, I agree. Sorry, but if anyone notices you're gone, we'd be screwed." I said putting a hand on B.E.N.'s shoulder.

"I guess you guys are right." He said, slumping back onto the ground.

We apologised to B.E.N. again, but he understood. Jim gave the robot a little device, Don't ask me where he got it from, because I have no idea. He said it was a tracking beacon, he had one identical to the one he gave B.E.N.

Jim explained that when we need the location of The Centurion, he'll press the button on his device and B.E.N.'s will beep. Then all B.E.N. has to do is press the button and it will send us the location.

Now Jim and I would have an adventure ahead of us, I wasn't too excited about it but we would hopefully get to see our old friend Silver so I was fine with it. We figured that once were able to get down to the longboats, we would get out and away from The Centurion then chart our course.

"Ok we need to sneak down to the long boats, there should be 4 of them and we only need one so everything should go smoothly." I explained to a worried B.E.N.

"That's if we don't get caught." Jim said calmly, leaning against the door frame, leaving B.E.N. looking worried about us again.

"Shut up Jim, we won't get caught, alright B.E.N?" I reassured him.

"Alrighty, Just be safe you guys, you too Morph." B.E.N. gave me a hug.

He put his arms out to give Jim a hug, he pulled him in but it was only a quick hug. , "Bye B.E.N., we'll be back before you know it." Jim gave a slight smile.

I peeled out the door, onto the main deck to make sure the coast was clear. We were good, so we quietly crept out the door, with Morph floating beside us.

We cautiously made our way to the stairs that led down to the longboats. The three of us were able to get there undetected, we went slowly down the stairs making sure not to make too much noise.

Jim hopped into one of the longboats and held out his hand to help me get inside. I ignored his hand and decided to try climb over myself...wasn't a good idea. I practically fell on my face.

I heard Jim chuckle quietly to himself. "It's not funny." I whispered shouted at him.

"Sorry." He put up his hands, jokingly surrendering.

"Let's just get out of here before anyone sees us." I said standing up and straightening out my uniform. "Ugh wait, i've to open the hatch. You get the engine going, and i'll get out and open it up."

Jim nodded and I pulled myself out of the boat. I walked over and pulled the lever to open the hatch, it must've caught someone's attention because I heard someone running down the stairs towards us.

"Agh! Jim we have to get out now, someones coming!" I said running over to the longboat.

"Oi! Get back here, you lot!" I turned to see the pirate known as Growler close behind me.

"Hurry (Y/n)!" Jim shouted.

I was so close but Growler was right behind me. I jumped to the longboat but before I reached it I felt myself being stopped. Growler had grabbed onto my jacket. I squirmed trying to get away from him.

"Come on, little lady, we're going to the Captain with yous'." Growler said.

Then Morph began to fly around Growlers face and try to annoy him. Growler ended up using both of his hands trying to swat Morph away. Before I could even think, Jim had leaned over the side of the longboat and clutched onto me. He dragged me back into the boat.

"Morph were going!" Jim shouted over.

"Come here you little-" Growler said trying to catch Morph, but Morph was just too good.

He flew back over to Jim and I. Jim got the engine started and I opened the sail as quickly as I could. We were just able to escape Growler, it was annoying that he knew about us now but at least we didn't get caught. Jim flew us out of The Centurion.

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now