Chapter 9

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I was shocked. It was an area that all the werebeasts wanted. In the ruined east, there were rumors that the area was paradise because of its beauty and peace.

However, I heard that it was one of the areas that couldn't be touched easily because powerful families wanted to get it.

Don't tell me he got his hands on that place? Is that what you're saying now?

If I recall correctly, it was less than a week ago that the landlord came to visit me.

I blinked my eyes in disbelief.

"Hoho, I couldn't be more confident when the Lord came forward himself."

"...Why is the Lord suddenly interested in that land? He wasn't before."

"I also don't understand."

Even though he said he didn't know, Geras looked at me as if he knew something.

Why are you looking at me all of a sudden?

As I tilted my head, my stomach growled.

I was getting hungry.

As I snooped around the lunch box, Rosaria came to my side.

"Shall we have lunch now, Miss Irene?"


"I'll feed you."

"I guess you're about to eat. I'll get going because I have work to do. Have a good time, then if you excuse me."

"Pii Pii."

When Geras said his farewells and tried to leave, I waved saying goodbye.

I saw him off properly so I should eat freely now.

A thought came up while I was eating, when will I be able to humanize?

"Will I?"


I hope I will grow up soon.

Then, Rosaria won't have to bother feeding me every time and take care of everything.

I felt a little sorry and looked at her.

"What's wrong, Miss Irene?"

"Pii Pii Pii. Pii Pii."

I wanted to say thank you, but there was no way to convey it. That adds one more reason to speed up humanization.

Rosaria chuckled softly as she was blowing on the baby food to cool it down. I was eating deliciously when I heard a rustling of grass.

"I was wondering where you were, and here you are."


"Greetings, my lord."

Rosaria greeted with a change of posture. Following her, I leaned forward, gathered my wings in front of my body and bowed my head.

Oh, I still can't say hello.

As I looked at the approaching floor in embarrassment, my body suddenly went up.


"You still don't seem to know how to use your body."

"That's because she's still young."

"I think it's been a while since she was born."

"It's been three weeks now."

Yeah, it's been only three weeks!

The landlord laughed as I shook my head up and down as if I supported Rosaria's words.

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