Chapter 30

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We came back to the banquet hall.

Would Cade have come back by now?

I was about to return to my original seat after breaking up with Sage, but I heard a very angry voice right next to me.

"They say that the Clan is doing well. How difficult is it to give out just one road! They told me to pay a toll of fifty gold coins!"

"Calm down, Mr. Retra. Giving access to the border roads is a sensitive matter. There's nothing good about being emotional."

"That's right. Why don't you talk about it next time?"

Retra was the person who had come to talk to Cade earlier. I glanced at him as I passed by. He was huffing and puffing with a red face.

"Isn't fifty gold coins okay? I heard the Black Mamba Clan offered to escort you while moving through the road."

"Isn't that easy for them? They are trying to make money by using a weak family like us."

In a serious atmosphere, I walked as carefully as possible.

I don't like this. I'm scared.

I was about to go back to Cade with a tearful face, but I met Retra's eyes. He had a surprised expression on his face as he didn't know I was listening, and then he smiled.

"Well. Black mambas are cruel and greedy by nature, aren't they? It's obvious because such a Duke is their leader."

At those words, my mind went blank.

Retra looked like he was expecting me to run away scared or crying.

The rest of the people who belatedly noticed my existence was astonished at his radical remarks.

"Oh, why is the child here..."


"...-o." (Irene)

Cade and the people here aren't bad.

"No!!" (Irene)

I shouted loudly. The banquet hall suddenly became quiet. I could feel the people around me stop what they were doing to look at me.

Retra's expression turned to embarrassment as if he didn't know I was going to scream.

"W-why is the little one screaming?"

"Cade is nice! Cade is cool every day! You don't know anything and are lying!"

Rosaria takes care of me every day, and the other people always smile when they see me! Arban pretends he doesn't care but always listens to me... I'm not close to Seth yet, but he doesn't look that bad!

I squeezed all my last strength.

"It's my Daddy!!! Irene knows him best!"

The noise of people talking grew louder. Retra flinched and reached out his hand to cover my mouth. As his large hand approached, I closed my eyes tightly.



"Don't touch the Lady recklessly."

A man with dark blue hair tied up in a long bundle stood in front of him. I looked at the man in surprise. I was staring blankly at the large back that was blocking my front, and I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Yes, I heard you well. Irene."


"Come here."


The tears that were welling up were pouring down as if they had been waiting. As I was held in his arms, Cade, who was holding me, gently patted my back.

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