Chpater 80

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"Take care, Irene. See you later."

Helena and Ian went back sooner than expected. I thought they would stay for a long time, but they only stayed for three days.

"Come by to play soon, okay?"

How many times did Helena feel sorry for us to part, and begged me to go over to their house to play?

And Ian.

"The next time I see you, be big. Do you understand?"

He started obsessing over my growth. He seemed to have a big misunderstanding when he saw that I missed the fork last time.

I didn't know from where to correct it, so I left it alone, and now it's irreversible.

"Yes, I'll go play."

"And prepare the children to properly molt." (Helena)

"All right." (Cade)

"You guys will do well too. I hope to hear good news next time."(Helena)

The two left after a few words to us, who rushed out to say farewells. The carriage prepared by the family to send them back was also ready to leave.

Sigh. It feels like my heart is shrinking.

I let out a sigh feeling lighthearted but in a sad mood. I thought we had gotten closer in a short amount of time, but to think they left so soon.

"Miss Irene."


"I've come to pick you up."

Kasana was at the front gate.

I didn't know because I was seeing the two of them off, but it seems that class time has started.

I said goodbye to my family before going to class.

"Bye. I'll go."

"Listen well in class."

"Un. Brothers too."

After a simple farewell, I went inside the forest with Kasana.

The forest was not far from the main gate, so we arrived quickly. What are we learning today?

Actually, I enjoyed the theory class a little more. Because there were many interesting stories to hear without getting bored.

That didn't mean that I didn't like to have classes in the forest.

"Today, we're going to learn about Miss Irene's pheromone type."

"Pheromone type? There's something like that?"

"Yes. Werebeasts each have their own natural type. For example, I am an attack type, but Lady Hestia is a support type."

......not really. From what I've seen, they must all be attack types. If Hestia is a support type, what should the other werebeast clans do with this unfair setup?

"The ratio of type development for each Clan is biased. The Black Mamba, for example, has an overwhelming number of attack types."

I knew it. Then Hestia must be a very special case.

Kasana continued her explanation.

"Attack type usually tends to release pheromones outward, while defense type tends to do the opposite, which is the condensation of pheromones. Support type is a bit different from these two types and has excellent detection and healing abilities, and... "

Kasana spread two of her fingers.

"If you are born with two or more, it is called a peculiar constitution. You can think of this type as very rare, almost inexistent."

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