Chapter 58

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"...Miss Irene?"

As soon as I entered the dining room, I immediately started looking for him. Baharn, who was in the kitchen, heard me calling for him and appeared outside.

"What's going on here? I haven't heard there was dinner today, but..."

"I want to tell something to Bahaln, so I came."

"To me?"

"Hm. To you."

"I see. Please, go ahead."

He looked puzzled when I procrastinated and didn't readily bring up the main topic.

I slowly pointed to the kitchen.

"I also want to make snacks over there, like Bahaln."


As expected, Baharn had a confused expression on his face. I appeared out of nowhere and said I wanted to make food, so of course he would not understand why.

Baharn, who was silent for a moment, let out a small laugh.

"Is there any food you want to eat? If so, I can make it for you."

"Ah. No. No, not like that!"


"I also want to make Daddy's sweets together. Can't I?"

At my words, Baharn's expression hardened at first glance.

...You are not going to say no, are you?

As I eagerly looked up at him, Baharn shook his head with a troubled smile.

"I'm sorry, but I think it's going to be difficult."


"There are a lot of dangerous tools in the kitchen. If you get a slight cut, my neck will be blown away. I want to live long, miss."

But this time, I couldn't back down.

I grabbed his arm as he was about to enter the kitchen again and fired a very desperate eyes attack.

Startled. Baharn opened his mouth slowly.

"...I'm sorry, Miss, but this really can't be helped."

"I won't touch anything dangerous."


"I'll listen well."


"...Please? Bahaln."


As I reached out and clung tightly to his strong arm, which was trained in kitchen work, Baharn closed his eyes with a resigned face.

I grinned. It worked.

"Who can beat Miss Irene?"

Baharn opened the kitchen door while shaking his head, beckoning me to come in. Yet he spoke sternly.

"Never touch anything dangerous. I'll do all that."

"Yes. Promise."

"And it seems like you should dress properly first."


Come to think of it, Baharn looked very neat. He had a hat on his head and a mask around his mouth.

He went inside the cooking room, rummaged around looking for something I could wear, and finally pulled out an apron with puffy frills.

I stared at it.

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