Chapter 10

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The Anead Plains and the entire Venea River were places Cade did not even look at. Although it was such a beautiful and peaceful area that other people drooled over, he didn't want such a place, because it was boring.

However, he showed interest for the first time and the reason for doing so was none other than 'because I was bored.'

Cade, who guided the clan on his own, literally wiped out all the tribes that set their eyes on the territory.

"You can find the answer just by looking at the details. This time, he went on a mission in person. That just means she is definitely the youngest lady in the family."

"Then, shouldn't we declare that we have three successors to the family?"


The retainers recalled the fact that they had already announced there were two successors to the Astrophel family.

"Oh, we should brag about having a young lady."


Sighs burst out from all over the place, and Geras, who was watching it, burst into laughter.

"You guys look excited about the increase in work."

"........Ah, does it look like that?"

The retainers gave off a stern look.

It was no mystery that the number of individuals lessened significantly as one went up the food chain. Especially in the case of women, it was so rare the numbers could be counted in one hand.

That's why everyone genuinely was curious.

"How cute is she?"

"Rosaria said she's so lovely that it can't be explained in words."

Ah, it was really awesome.

The retainer's eyes shone with emotion one by one. Everyone wanted to meet her at least once and call her Young Miss Irene. The people began to stand up and left one after the other, glancing at each other. Apparently, they wanted to go to the garden where Irene often appeared.

Geras shook his head with a big smile and opened his mouth looking at the back of the hall.

"What are you doing, hiding there, Sir Arban?"

He was gifted in killing but he was inexperienced in many ways.

Moments later, a boy with curly dark hair and red eyes appeared from behind a marble column. Although the boy was still young, he had a luxurious atmosphere as if he had just come out of a painting and a beautiful appearance like a sculpture.

The first master was at least pretending to be rational, but the second was not.

"Do I have a sister?"

"Yes, as you heard."

"A bird?"


Arban frowned at once.

"How can a bird be my sister?"

"Didn't the Lord admit it himself?"

Although, so far, it has only been shallow interest.

"I don't remember hearing that father was crazy."

At Arban's outspoken remarks, Geras swallowed a moan.

I don't know where he learned such a word, but Arban's witty talk was developing day by day.

".......Ha... Young master, how can you say such things about the Lord?"

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