Chapter 11

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Rosaria was delighted to learn that I was sick due to growing pains.

But for me, it wasn't that joyous of a news.

"Miss Irene, you can eat three snacks a day."


"When you grow up, you have to eat healthy food instead of candy. Young children, especially those who are about to humanize, should pay special attention to eating."

"Pii, Pii······."

......because snacks have decreased.

At the news that came like a bolt, I held the candy box containing star candies, dearly. Rosaria gave me one every day after each meal, and Star candy was my favorite because I couldn't eat bulky things yet.

It was the only snack that a baby bird could eat without any burden!

"Shall we put the candy box over there for a while?"


"I'll get you another type of snack."

Rosaria showed no signs of backing down. After several turns of persuasion that weakened my mind, I turned my eyes away.

It's my star candy!

When I didn't let go of the box, Rosaria put her hand on her chest as if she was heartbroken.

"I'm heartbroken, too. You're upset that you can't eat it even though you've already arranged the colors evenly, right?"


"Because Irene loves the candies right?"


I worked hard to save and collect the colors.

Inside the snack box were white, yellow, and pink star candies shining evenly. Rosaria came up to my side and sat down when I didn't easily give up the box.

"It's not that you can't see it completely. You're only saying goodbye for a little while."

"Pii Pii Pii······."

"Yes, you just need to hold on for a while. We're going to open it and eat it together when we eat snacks next time. I'm going to put it over there."

Rosaria pointed to a crystal shelf installed on the wall. It was a location where you could easily check if the star candy was in good shape at any given time.

Well, if that's the case······.

"Pii Pii."

Rosaria smiled happily as I gently handed over the candy box I was holding.

"Miss Irene, I'm so proud of you!"


"I'll ask the chef to prepare a delicious snack."


I felt better when I was praised.

Yeah, as Rosaria said, too much sugar wouldn't be good for me.

Instead, the chef will give me a delicious snack!

I shot up from the table to the bed. This is because it was time for Rosaria to read a children's book.

It was nap time.

"Pii Pii Pii."

"Yes, Miss Irene. Shall I read you a book?"


When I called Rosaria, the woman who was watering the flowerpot by the window put down the sprayer and came over. The bookshelf that had been built a few days ago was filled with children's books.

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