Chapter 48

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Some days, something came to mind before I went to sleep.

Who am I?

It was, of course, a question worth having. Who left me here and why? And how was that possible.

The Astrophel family was very vigilant, and no one from outside had access to it. In particular, if other beasts had approached, they would have noticed right away.

Despite this, they left me in the mansion and disappeared without being noticed. The room where the eggs of the heirs were located must have been thoroughly managed.

Seeing that I was also being protected between Seth and Arban, it seems that neither Cade nor Baon knew about it.

"I'm also curious. When Durias come back, tell me quickly."

"Is that so?"


As I calmly nodded, Cade suddenly narrowed his brow.

"...Is that why you asked me if people from the East attended the last banquet?"


"Did you ever ask about the East?"

Baon also looked at me with a surprised face.

The reason I asked about the East was simply because it was where I used to live. Ah. Come to think of it, did the Bird Clan live there?

They both had very serious faces. They seemed shocked as if they had overlooked an important fact.

After a long silence, Cade opened his mouth.

"The Loisard Clan had sent their intention to not attend. Do you want to know who your kindred is?"


"You'd like to meet a family that looks the same. That's why you asked me about the east."


No. It's not like that. I didn't really want to see them. In fact, it seemed strange to me.

"You were born in the South."

"I know."

"...I don't know if you know, but the South is much more comfortable than the East."

"Yes. I know that too."

At my answer, Cade's expression hardened even more.

"I think you already know what the situation in the East is like."

"No. It's not like that."

"Then who told you?"

"...It's not that."

The misunderstanding was growing. He seemed to think that I had researched the East because I wanted to see my kindred.

I shook my head and stamped the seal.

* * *

Dawn was clearing.

Durias walked slowly.

At the edge of a cliff, quiet from all sides, only the sound of stepping on the grass, covered with morning dew, was softly heard.


At that sound, the body of the target, which was driven into a dead-end, stiffened. At a glance, he could tell that his opponent was terrified.

Durias looked at her, straightening his tie, which had been cluttered in pursuit of his opponent. A bit of annoyance passed through his dark black eyes.

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