Chapter 56

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How did you know? I was surprised and hardened my body. Cade's expression distorted at my reaction.

"And you answered very proudly just now. I almost fell for it."

"...I didn't lie."

I was just saying that I knew my own name, what do you mean I tricked you? That is unfair.

"What's my name?"

"Cade Astrophel."

"Then who am I?"

What are you doing all of a sudden? I was curious about what he meant to ask these questions, but I decided to answer them steadily.

"Daddy is the Head in here."

"What kind of clan am I the Head of?"

"Black Mamba."

"Then what kind of clan do you, who received my last name, come from?"


I felt like I had been hit hard in the back of the head. I couldn't say a word and slowly blinked my eyes.

So am I also a member of the Black Mamba clan? Even if I am a bird, that is how things work? If people ask me what kind of clan I belong to from now on, is it okay to say Black Mamba?

"If I have to go out, am I still a Black Mamba?"

"...What else does that mean?"

Cade's face hardened terribly. His red eyes flashed, telling me to speak immediately.

"I have to get out in the future."

"Are you declaring that you're going to run away from home in front of me right now? You have big guts."

That's not it. It seemed that Cade had completely forgotten the words, 'I will accept you as my daughter for the time being.'

Cade looked at me with a complex and subtle expression.

"I don't know what you're thinking. But, wherever you go, don't forget that you're an Astrophel, Irene."


I haven't completely solved my worries yet, but I was somewhat relieved when Cade said this.

Towards the end of the conversation, a small noise was heard outside. Kasana came, and it seemed that Rosaria was explaining the situation.

I thought this was the right time, so I quickly raised my hand.


"What is it?"

"I want to have classes in the forest today."

I couldn't stay with this tail until tomorrow. When I eagerly looked at him with a desperate face, Cade grinned with a hopeless expression.

Oh... he won't listen. Then I'll have to walk like this until tomorrow.

Cade got up from his seat and opened the door. I don't know when they came, but Kasana and Rosaria were waiting in front of my room.

At that moment, I heard something unbelievable.

"Let's replace today's class with a pheromone class, Kasana."


"She can't stay like this forever."

"Yes, I will."

Wow. What's happening? At first, he reacted as if he wouldn't listen. I shouted at Cade, who has already gone far away.

"Daddy is the best!"

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