Chapter 10

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Raw before Elimination Chamber

It's been a month since I sent Eve to retirement and made her quit WWE. Now it's the Monday Night Raw before Elimination Chamber.

I've been Divas Champion for 57 days and counting. My brothers and I are doing a promo in the ring about our opponents at Elimination Chamber. Now Seth's speaking.

"You see John, whether it was your intention or not. The standard you set paved the way for the Sheamuses and the Rybacks of the world. You laid the groundwork, John, for the entire generation to believe in the system, to believe in you John," Seth paused as the crowd got in their heads.

"This Sunday we have an opportunity to rectify a decade of injustice in one fell swoop," Seth finished.

"Don't worry Tamina, I haven't forgotten about you after you beat me last week with the help of Cena, Sheamus and Ryback keeping my brothers away from the match. Guess what, it won't happen this Sunday. I defeated that Hoeski Eve and forced her out of WWE, I defeated Eve's little lackey that Russian black haired Bimbo, I even defeated that little mental unstable AJ Lee showing her who the real crazy chick is in WWE, and at Elimination Chamber, I will beat you and retain my Divas Championship. Believe that, bitch," I said, dropping my mic.

"This Sunday, all four of us walk in our matches, and we walk out. You four may not walk out at all. I suggest your four breathe as much fresh air as you can now. This Sunday, the Shield will drown you out, believe that," Dean said, dropping his mic.

"BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!" Roman yelled, dropping the mic.

I took my title off my waist, setting it down.

"Come on, now!" I yelled. "Where are you at? Huh?" Seth yelled.

We are waiting for them. "Last chance, boys and Tamina. Last chance, we're right here," Dean said.

I stood on the ropes. "We aren't going anywhere, come on!" I yelled. "No one's gonna come out with these jackals," Jerry said.

We're still waiting but they aren't coming. I got down, "I guess not," I yelled.

"They're scared," Seth and Roman said.

It goes dark, and I can't see anything. The crowd cheered as we felt someone getting in the ring.

We all start fighting. The lights come on.

Dean's fighting Ryback, Seth's fighting Sheamus, Roman's fighting John and I'm brawling with Tamina.

"It's Cena, Ryback, Sheamus," Michael Cole said. "And so is Tamina fighting the Divas Champion," Jerry said.

We all fight in the ring. Cena takes Roman out of the ring. Tamina gets me on her shoulders, does the Samoan Drop to me.

I groaned in pain, rolling out of the ring. Sheamus makes Seth over over the ropes.

Ryback does a closeline that he calls Meathook, taking my brother out.

Roman and I got him out of the ring, retreating.

Cena, Ryback, Sheamus, and Tamina get out of the ring as we all brawl outside the ring and then through the WWE Universe.

I kicked Tamina away as we all got away. We headed up the stairs, leaving the crowd.

After Raw

I got to my hotel, finished my shower. Jon, Colby and Joe went out for drinks.

They invited me but I didn't want to go.

I grabbed my laptop, getting on Skype to see if Fergal's awake.

It's morning in Japan, I think. I see Fergal's online.

My Skype starts ringing, I see it's Fergal calling. I answered it.

"Hey, babe," I said, smiling. "Hey, babe. How are you?" he asked.

"Good, you?" I asked. "Good. I watched Raw. I loved your heel promo with your brothers," he said.

"You saw that?" I asked. "Yes then the screen went back and all four of you were brawling and Tamina was with Cena and the rest," he said.

"Yep, we did brawl it out," I said. "So you got a match against Tamina at Elimination Chamber?" he asked.

"Yes and it falls on my birthday. WWE likes to make people lose on their birthdays. But I'm not gonna let that bother me," I said.

"Good," he said. "I know you won't be able to come and see me for my birthday," I said.

"Yeah, I'll be in Ireland to see my family. I'll be able to watch Elimination Chamber with them and cheer you on," he said.

"Tell your parents I said hi," I said. "I will. My mum wants to meet you," he said.

"Maybe during the holidays or whenever I get to Ireland for WWE Live Events, I can finally meet her," I said, smiling.

"Sounds good. So what are you gonna do for your birthday week?" he asked.

"Going Dayton, OH where I trained to wrestle, see friends from high school for my birthday. Then Girls night with Cassidy, Halston, Trinity, Ariana and the rest of the girls in the locker room in NOLA on Saturday," I said.

"That's good, being with your friends will help you enjoy your birth week," he said.

I nodded. "Kind of wish you'd be here as well," I said.

"I know, I know," he said. I nodded, yawning.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed," I said. "Getting sleepy?" he asked.

"Yeah and still a little sore from the Samoan Drop that Tamina did," I said.

"Okay, I love you and sleep well, talk to you soon," he said. "I love you too," I said, blowing a kiss to him.

He waves at me. I ended the call. I closed my laptop, setting it on the bed.

Note: Tamina is a baby face instead of a heel. -Nini


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