Chapter 36

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We're in Brooklyn, NY for Monday Night Raw at the new Barclay Center.

I'll be watching a match between Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio.

I finished talking to Mark Carrano about Summerslam.

I was hoping to get a new opponent for Summerslam and defend my Divas Championship.

I was denied because they're planning for me to continue my rivalry against AJ.

At least I don't have to defend my Divas Championship against AJ because she is not allowed anymore opportunities for my Championship.

Which is good. Today is also my last time being with my Shield Brothers and I will cut a promo later.

I'm about to do an interview with Josh Matthews about my victory over AJ and being added to the mix of the World Heavyweight Championship.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome my guest. Shield Member, the Divas Champion, Audrey Ambrose," Josh said.

I walk on camera, holding my Divas Championship on my shoulder.

"Hello, Josh," I said

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"Hello, Josh," I said.

"Audrey Ambrose, last night you defended your Divas Championship against AJ Lee and successfully retained your Championship. Since AJ lost the match, she is not allowed any more opportunities for your championship," Josh said.

"Josh, it felt great to defeat AJ at her own game. She knows that she can't beat me and will never beat me. They say she's crazy. Well, no one is crazier than a lunatic. Last night I proved why I am the Divas Champion for a reason and see why all four members of the Shield have all the gold. We've been running this business ever since we first appeared back in November. So believe that," I said.

"Also last night, you and AJ brawled it out during the match between Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio, then she got the upper hand and cost Dolph Ziggler the chance for him to be World Heavyweight Champion and blew it for him," Josh said.

"Dolph told her so many times to go backstage but she didn't listen. She thought she was helping him. She got overzealous and cost Ziggler the match," I said.

"Okay. Also next week, you and the rest of the cast of Total Divas will be Miztv to introduce you girl and also you are less than a week away from being the Longest Reigning Divas Champion of all time by breaking Maryse's record. How does it feel to be Divas Champion for that long?" he asked.

"It feels amazing. I love how much Maryse accomplished so much in WWE as the Longest Reigning Diva Champion. I know she's a former two time Divas Championship. However, my brothers and I have been running this business since we arrived together. Now, I can't wait to celebrate me being the longest...," I paused as I heard AJ Lee calling for Dolph.

"Ziggy? Baby, you're still mad, I know. Wait, are you gonna start talking to me at some point?" AJ asked.

"I didn't stop talking to you. Stop apologizing about what happened last night. It's time to move on," Dolph said.

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