Chapter 27

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It's been two weeks since my Shield Brothers won their championships at Extreme Rules.

All four of us are champions. We're in Hartford, CT for Monday Night Raw.

I am in the Divas locker room with Cassidy and Halston. My phone is still being blown up by the secret admirer.

I am getting sick and tired of this person or person texting me.

"So Audrey, still trying to figure out who this person that's texting you?" Nattie asked.

I sighed angrily.

"For the 100th time, Nattie, I ain't buying this secret admirer crap. I know it's AJ, Dolph or Big E trying to get into my head. It's not working," I said.

Nattie sighed. "Okay. Well Khaili is still investigating," she said.

"Well at least it isn't Cody Rhodes," I said, chuckling.

My phone kept going off. I sighed angrily.

SM: Hey, Audrey. You look smoking. I'll be watching your tag match against AJ and The Bellas with Naomi and Cameron. ;)

I sighed as I read the text. I replied; 'Who are you? Please tell me who you are.' I sent the text.

This person will be cheering me on in the tag match later.

So I replied and told them 'Please tell me who you are.' It's driving me nuts," I said.

My phone rang. 'I will reveal who I am in front of the WWE Universe and you, next week.' I read.

'Fine, see you next week.' I replied.

"Now, Nattie, if you'll excuse me. I have a match that I have to deal with," I said, walking away.

After the Divas Tag Match

Naomi, Cameron and I won our match. I pinned Brie Bella.

I made Brie go into Nikki off the ring apron and get hurt. Nikki's shin started hurting her.

Cassidy checks on her sisters to make sure Nicole's okay. Cassidy comes back.

"How's Nicole?" I asked. "Her leg is hurting. However, she doesn't want to see the doctor," Cassidy said.

"Why not? If her leg is hurting her, she should see a doctor," I said.

"She doesn't want to be forgotten and she doesn't want anyone taking her spot or her chance at your Divas Championship," Cassidy said.

"Well, she's not getting my title. Tell her that," I said. "I did but she didn't believe me," she said.

My phone vibrated and I sighed. 'Okay. I'll meet you on Raw next week and your Shield Brothers can be there.'

I replied; 'See you next week.' I sighed softly.

I went to find my Shield Brothers.


I found my Shield Brothers. "Hey, brothers," I said.

"Hey, sister. Great match earlier," Dean said, hugging me.

"Thanks brother," I said. "Audrey, we have something to tell you," Roman said.

"What?" I asked, looking at them. "We found out who your secret admirer is," Seth said.

"Who is it?" I asked. They told me who it was.

My eyes opened wide, I started scoffing and laughing at I knew it was who I knew it was.

houndess of justice: audrey's shield daysWhere stories live. Discover now