Chapter 51

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It's the next day. Raw last night was great until I lost my Divas Championship to Meghan Bevis aka Cherie.

My reign will always be in the WWE History books.

However, good luck to any girl who tries to break my record, it'll never be broken.

Cassidy, Halston and I are home packing up for Brie and Bryan's wedding this weekend.

I am also packing up for Vancouver as well.

I'll be going up there the following day. I'm also making sure I have a passport with me so I can cross the border.

I have my dress for the wedding in a garment bag to prevent it from being wrinkled.

Here in a few minutes, I'm going to the salon to dye my hair blonde.

The director told me that I have to go blonde for my role.

I have to say goodbye to my teal hair. I hear my laptop ringing.

I check my laptop, seeing a Skype call. It's Fergal. I answered it.

Fergal appears on the screen. "Hey, Audrey," Fergal said.

"Hey, Fergal. How are you?" I asked.

"Good. I watched Raw last night. I'm sorry about you losing your Divas Championship and your record setting reign coming to an end," he said.

"It's okay. 477 days will always be in the record books. Now, Meghan aka Cherie is taking over the Divas Division. She told me that she'll take care of the division for me," I said.

"That's good. I am proud of you," he said. "Well, Cherie better keep a hold of it because once I'm done filming the movie, I will be returning for my rematch," I said.

"I hope you do," he said. I nodded, smiling. "Me too," I said.

"So what are you doing now?" he asked.

"Packing up for Brie and Bryan's wedding this weekend and Vancouver," I said.

"Are you excited for the wedding or the movie?" he asked.

"Well the wedding. I wish you could be at the wedding as my guest. I think I'll be more excited to play a character, different from my wrestling character," I said.

"Oh I know. Who are you playing in the movie?" he asked.

"The female villain. Rachel Dawes. However, I have to dye my hair blonde for the role. I have an appointment here in a few minutes to get my hair from teal blue to blonde," I said.

"Okay," he said. I heard a knock on the door.

"Just a minute. Well, I have to get my hair blonde right now," I said.

"Okay. I will talk to you later," he said. "Okay. Bye Fergal," I said.

"Bye, Audrey," he said. I waved at him, ending the video chat.

I got my keys, bag and phone. I opened my door. We leave the house.

Two Hours Later

I'm still at the salon, my hair is done, dyed, and blow dried. My hairstylist is styling my hair up.

I have my eyes closed. "Cassidy, Halston, how does it look?" I asked.

"It looks really good. Can't wait to see your face when you're blonde," Cassidy said.

"I haven't been a natural blonde in a long time," I said. I am getting nervous that it's gonna look bad.

I sighed softly. "Just about done," my hairstylist said. I sighed softly, getting more nervous.

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