chapter 2

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Walking through the parking lot, I unlock my car when I spot it. I sit inside and start the car to drive home.

Today went by quickly. Today's great. Receiving the award, man, I can't express my emotions, pride, happiness, gratefulness...

Sometimes, I truly wonder what will have happened if I had married Waleed. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have had a chance to show my potential. I wouldn't have received this award! There's a reason behind everything that's happened. Maybe that's why I was rejected.

Now, I'm an independent, career woman. Maybe that's the reason Allah had willed the alliance to not work out. Waleed and his family were good, yet it didn't happen. Is this the reason for it to be cancelled?

"Allah, Alhamdulillah!" I'm content with my life. Though it feels empty sometimes. Missing my parents and sisters is another thing, but overall, it is good.

Living alone in a faraway country is lonely, too. But I found some people today. Zaina is her name. She said she is an Indian too, from Tamil Nadu to be precise. It is a state next to Kerala. She had told me there is another woman from Kerala doing a job in the company! I seriously couldn't believe it.

Keralites are all over the world!

Zaina has also arranged a lunch for me with them tomorrow. I am kind of excited yet nervous, I don't know why!

Opening the door of my apartment, I say salam to no one. It's a sunnah to do so. I have already prayed dhuhr and Asr from the mosque near my workplace. Now I will take a hot shower and wait till the maghrib prayer.


Sitting on the prayer mat, I thank Allah. Still, I can't think what will have happened if the marriage wasn't cancelled. "Oh my lord, I, your faithful servant, am truly grateful for your help and guidance. Please, guide and help me more for only you can do it."

I take my time to praise him. He is the one who truly deserves it and no one.
I take my Quran and start reading it.

After an hour, I take my tablet and search the internet for a recipe to make. You know, living alone can make you a chef sometimes.


"Done," I say when I add some cheese to the top of the chicken casserole. It looks delicious.

I scan the kitchen, and it's a mess. "How am I supposed to clean this mess? Allah!" Sigh. If you haven't noticed yet, I am a little lazy to clean. But I do clean, only it takes me to overcome my laziness. I'll clean it after I'm done eating.

The food tastes great. Maybe I should become a chef or something? I scroll through Instagram on my phone while eating. There are too many bloggers! Does everyone have to become a blogger? Okay, sorry. It's their life and their choice. I should ignore them if I don't like them.

I exit Instagram and open my WhatsApp. Many messages from families and friends. I reply to them one by one and eat the rest of the food.

After doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen, I searched my wardrobe for tomorrow's outfit. Then, I freshen up, take wudu(ablution), and pray isha.

Atlast, I jump onto my bed. I feel all the comfort it gives me. The atmosphere is a little chilly, so I embrace myself with the soft and fluffy quilt. I lay there thinking of my life's past, present, and what the future has in store for me until I dive into a deep sleep.



I quickly bid goodbye to my colleagues and started walking to my car. I am already late. I have to hurry.

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