chapter 32

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I love you, for commenting and voting. I read all the comments—–even if it is from one person —–just how cute it is to read those comments. Xoxo😘


It's the weekend again. Okay, not the whole-week-gone-and-weekend-came thing, we arrived in Texas on Thursday and now it's Saturday. Yesterday, I went to work and so did lip-zipped-Ibrahim.
Ali in Ihsan's house.

Being in a multinational company has its pros. I can work from home for three days a week and two days at my workplace. That way, I can take care of Ali.

I'm in the middle of cooking an Indian breakfast. That say, Ever heard of your husband appreciating your food? Well, not here. Ibrahim comes, eats, and goes. He barely opens his mouth, that too, I should initiate the conversation.

If I ask him, how did his day go? He will answer; good, Alhamdulillah, yours?

Then, I'll answer; Alhamdulillah, very good.

What a nice conversation, right? I know.
But today, I'm not going to go easy on him. I'll make him talk his vocals out!
—–that's what I plan...

Ibrahim must be up, I can hear Ali mumbling. Serving all the dishes and arranging the plates, I walk to the bedroom but stop before entering through the door,

"It's mama. Say, mama not didi." Did Ibrahim just ask Ali to call me mama? And not didi? "Mamma!" Ali says and they both giggle. "Good boy!" I quickly retreat from my steps and go back to the kitchen.

Ibrahim cares! He cares! He considers me as his child's mother! Alhamdulillah! When he ignored me for the past few days, I thought he wasn't considering the marriage. He is just taking time.

Oh, Allah! This feels so good. I blink away my happy tears not letting them fall.

It means a lot.



The food Hairah makes is just good as my mama's. And mama is the best cook. The way Hairah makes food tells me that, I'm going to get fat real quick because She makes many....and tastier.

I slowly shove the food into my mouth, silently. Hairah, too, eats her, silently and throws some glares at me, occasionally—–which, I ignore smoothly. Sometimes, she acts too childish, and it makes me smile, but I never let it out.

"Can you show me your mouth?" I snap my head at Hairah, at her very random request. Show her my mouth? For what?

I raise my eyebrow in question.

"Just show me."

Reluctantly, I open my mouth a little.

"ALHAMDULILLAH! You have your tongue in place!" She exclaims loudly making me jump.




I let out a laugh. For the first time in a while. "That was loopy, you know right?"

She shrugged, "At least, that made me realize you can speak."


"What are your plans today?" She asked, but her voice lacked confidence, as though she was not expecting me to answer.

"It's the end of the month, so I have to go somewhere." I have to go to give charity funds, to an orphanage. That's something I do to earn peace and Allah's love.


Hearing her response, I felt bad. Maybe, I'm being too rude by ignoring her. She focuses on her plate and the small amount of food left. "Do you wanna tag along? We can do grocery, too."

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