chapter 29

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I sat in the car beside Ibrahim and Ali in the middle. After the wedding ceremony, I'm to go to Ibrahim's house and spending some time there. Some of his relatives are unable to attend the wedding due to their health. His grandmother is among them.

So I'm going there to meet them. Sajid bai is driving, and Ihsan is in the passenger seat with her youngest daughter, Enaam, on her lap. The elder one, Enaya, will be coming with aunty Amina or mama? Should I start calling her that now she is my mother-in-law? Mama is what Ihsan calls her.

"You should pass each other cell numbers." Sajid bai tells. Is it weird that I and Ibrahim still haven't had each other's phone numbers?

Ibrahim looked at me and held his hand out, "phone..." He said. I give him, unlocking it and he hands me his, unlocking it as well.

"Both numbers, okay?" Ihsan's voice pops up. Now, that we are in Kerala, we have an Indian number, too. Typing my Indian number, I get confused, what should I save the name? It's not like he will save anything special so I save my name, Hairah.

I give him back his phone after saving both my numbers. He, too, returns my phone. I resist checking his number. Did he have his photo has his WhatsApp profile? I'll check once I'm away from their eyes.

A long session of introducing new faces finally came to an end. Ihsan took me to a room. I haven't seen Ibrahim and Ali, since I entered this house. Ihsan makes me sit on a couch. It's kind of awkward--the number of pairs watching your every step.

The weird stares I've been getting are truly harsh. They were staring at me like I'd done something very sinful.

My eyes widen, when I see Waleed's mother, making her way toward me. Ihsan must have seen that too, she shifts in her seat. "Hairah! I haven't been able to talk with you. You know, with all the things going on."

I give her a polite smile, encouraging her to talk further. It wasn't her fault that the alliance broke, it was just fate. Because maybe I am destined to be with Ibrahim. "Isn't that dress itchy?" She asked.

"Yes, it is very itchy." She seems to be relaxed. Her demeanor slightly eased. She must have felt uncomfortable starting a talk with me.

"Ihsan, have you got her anything to drink?" She questioned Ihsan.

"No, we are waiting for the snacks to be served. Mama told me she will call us."

"Where are Ali and your kids?"

"Ali, probably with Ibrahim, and my kids will be playing around."

"When do you plan to return to Texas?" Her question is directed at me.

"In the morning, the day after tomorrow." Since it's not vacation time, we plan on returning as soon as possible.


After a bit of starting trouble, she talked to me with comfort. Soon, a woman came and called us to tea. Only women are having the tea. Men will have it after us. So, I didn't see Ibrahim.

"No, we have had tea," Aysha says to mama. She and Fahad bai came here to pick me up. It's a while after Asr. I have to go home and change again into tonight's outfit. Gladly, I chose it to be a Pakistani suit.

"Let me call Ibrahim," Ihsan says climbing up the stairs. Finally, I can see his face for the first time since I'm here.

"When will you arrive tonight?" I ask mama. Tonight's function is at my home. With loads of food and delights. It's a tradition. The first night of the wedding at the bride's place. It is a tradition seen in almost every Muslim wedding from Calicut.

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