chapter 14

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(Flashback) Ibrahim.
Nov 2020, Texas.

This is the time I look forward to. Coming home to Wafa after work. All I need to refill my exhausted body is a hug from my wife. And I seriously need one. I could feel my eyes drifting because of the load it has taken today.

Punching the combination of the entrance door, I let myself in silently. She must be in the kitchen. I make my way to the kitchen but I hear something from the bedroom. Is she in the bedroom?

Reversing my steps, I walk to the bedroom. The door was already opened so I steps in. My eyebrows automatically crease as I see, Wafa all dressed up in a beautiful party gown. "Assalam Alaikum. Are you going somewhere?"

She turns her head and smiles, "salam. You are here! Yes, am going out to a party. Do you already forgot?"

What party? I scratch my memory but nothing of the party comes to me.

"What party?" I ask her as I sit on the bed, removing my coat and tie.

"Today is the marriage of Sara!" Oh! Sara is our neighbor. I nod. But I am not going, it's an American wedding with half of the women, scattered. I can't possibly go.

After removing my coat and tie, I walk toward her and hug her from behind. Instant comfort travels through my body. "Ibrahim! You are ruining my dress. And you are messy." She says and jumps out of my embrace.

"Ash! Sorry." I surrender my hands in the air and turn toward the bathroom. I acted nonchalant. But what she said pained me. The words left a pang in my heart. There was nothing to be ruined in her dress. She wasn't wearing her hijab yet. And I was messy?

I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom, despite the crinkled shirt, I am good. It's not hot so I haven't sweated. I feel myself cringing. The words made a hole in my heart.

Why do I feel like she is drifting away from me? It's been some days that she is been like this.

I hear a knock on the door, "I am going. You can order dinner. I'll be late, probably."

I stare at the door. No food today too?

It's been a week since I ate the food that she made. I come after 6 in the evening and have to order food.

I come out of the bath without washing. I need to see her off. I go to the living room, just in time to see her putting on her heels. Her hijab is on her shoulder and not on her head, again! "Can I borrow the car?" She asks and I nod.

My words are stuck in my throat. The changes I am noticing are far too many. The Wafa I knew was vanishing day by day. Ya Allah, what's happening? Guide her. "Wafa, your hijab... Put it on your head." I say contemplating for a moment.

All she did was glare. And went outside, leaving me more exhausted.

(Flashback end)


I entered Ihsan's house after my jogging. Every Saturday I stay here and leave Sunday. So yesterday, I stayed here.

Dad is reading a book. He looks up at me and smiles. He just didn't like to be distracted from reading the book. Shaking my head, I go to the fridge to fetch water.

"Don't touch my food, Okay?... Now I am gonna open my eyes... Oh! Where's the food?" I watch the sight before me. Ali is on the kitchen counter, and Ihsan sitting in front of him on the stool with a spoon in her hand. A bowl of food, probably Ali's is resting on his left side. Ihsan's phone is sitting on a mobile holder on Ali's right side. He was giggling looking at the phone.

"Aah..." Ali showed his open mouth to the phone. Ihsan was too looking at the phone with a wide smile glued to her face. "What? No! You ate my food?" The voice came from the phone.

"Uh oh, Ali, you ate Hairah's food again?" Ihsan asks Ali and he nods giggling. Hearing Hairah's name, a strange sensation occurred to me.

I still don't understand the situation before me. But the same thing repeated; Ihsan took a spoonful of Ali's food and held it in front of him, closing her eyes. "That's my food okay? Don't eat it. I am gonna close my eyes..." Ali quickly empties the spoon with his mouth. "1,2,3... No! Where is my food?"

Then Ali shows his mouth giggling. Ihsan then complains about him eating Hairah's food.

Now I got it. They are trying to get him to eat his food. Well, they are succeeding. I notice the smile on my face. When did I smile? But their attempt to make him eat is really fun and old. A Kerala thing!

Hairah sounds too childish when she acts like crying. Her exclamations were amusing and silly. Poor Ali believed all their actions.

Alhamdulillah! Contentment fills me inside.

"Ibrahim! When did you get here?" Ihsan asked and I hear an audible gasp from the phone.


I rub my eyes and pretend to cry. Whatever I am doing Ali is buying it and is having his food. When I heard his giggle, I acted a little more, adding some childish sniffles and whimpers.

Hearing his giggling going loud, I too, raised my cries and sniffles.

"Ibrahim! When did you get here?" I heard Ihsan ask and a loud gasp escaped my mouth. I drowned thick in embarrassment. Tell me he didn't hear anything, please!

I see Ali looking to his right, with a bright smile. He must be looking at his dad. I waited for his response.

"Was that a gasp?" Ibrahim asked. Gasp? Did they hear that too? I should probably dig a hole right here and rest there like a mummified mummy.

"If I am not mistaken, yes!" Ihsan is giggling while she said that. Where is the tomb? Allah!!! Blush raises in my brain when I listen to a manly chuckle. Is that Ibrahim? Did he just chuckle?

"No, you are not mistaken. I got here a good few minutes before." He informs. My hands automatically went to cover my apple-colored face. How I wish I could have acted a little more standard if I know he was listening. No even better, I won't have acted at all!

"Then you should have come and see Hairah's acting, it's mar-" I cut the call. No, I can't take any more embarrassment.

A good few minutes before? That means he must have heard my dialogues. Oh, Allah!!! At least he hasn't seen my face. What if he had seen my face too? Great, now I am a permanent mummy.

The phone vibrates and I jump in my seat. It's Ihsan, should I pick up the call?
Hesitantly, I do, "haha, That was good."
She says.

"Don't even start."

"No, but thank you! Thank you so much for helping me in feeding Ali and... You just made the great Ibrahim laugh!!! Hairah, he seriously laughed after so long! Thank you." Her words danced on my skin, giving me goosebumps. A feeling of fullness and happiness painted my entire body.

"Don't thank me," I say suppressing a squeal. Did I ever tell you that I squeal when I am happy? Everyone does but mine is a little over.

"He seems to be happy. I am grateful to Allah, for giving me you."

Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah. I feel over the moon when I make someone happy. Now knowing that I made him happy, my eyes become watered. Doesn't this feel so good?

Ya Allah, please help me to make them happy even more in the future.

Please help me, to bring a smile to his handsome face.

Allah, help me to be their cause of happiness and mine them. Aameen!


A not-so-boring chap or is it? Insha Allah, more amazing chaps are on the way.

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