chapter 27

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Being the day before the wedding, today was surprisingly boring. My aunts didn't care to hide their disappointment. But there were some, like my grandmother who is proud of my decision. She right away approved of it.

Mehandi night, which is today, is supposed to be joyous. But with all the faces and no one attending the bride, I am left alone. Not literally alone, both my sisters and other cousins are with me. Not the elder ones though.

I sit here, on the temporary stage that is built on the porch. My arms ache from the way I am holding them out to the Mehendi artists. The cool Mehendi is giving me tiny tickles around my hands too.

"Do you want to write the groom's name?" One of the artists asked.

"No!" I blurted out quickly. Ya Rabbi! Just the mere thought of it is giving me blushes of roses. And I can't even think of Ibrahim's reaction when he sees his name on my hands. Both girls smirk.

"Is it a love marriage?" The other one asked. They must have heard lots of wedding stories.

"No." I smile at them.

"Then, purely arranged?"

"Yes." Maybe I am giving very curt answers. So I add, "the groom's sister asked me. Then I asked my parents." Though it does not fully explain the situation, it must be enough.


Half an hour passed by. But it felt like hours due to my uncomfortable hands. I busied myself with the artists. Occasionally, Aysha or Asra will come to check up on me. Every time they came, I roll my eyes at them. Dude, I am not going to run away!

I look at my hands that were once free from all these Mehendi stains. Nevertheless, the artists did a very impressive job. The elegant patterns of the Mehendi adorn my skin.

When the artists left, relatives starts their session of exploring my Mehendi-stained hands. Photos start to be clicked.

I saw Ashfa acting so cheerful. Ummi hasn't confronted anything with her for which I'm glad. She is oblivious to the knowledge that I'm already aware of her sin. I sigh. How can people be so two-faced? Acting out innocent, when their inside is filled with evil?

As if she got me staring at her, she makes her way to me, smiling. Again a sigh. I somehow end up with a tight smile on my face. I don't hate her. Even, I don't have any offense. It's just that, what was the necessity of doing all that?

But, now, I am grateful. If she hadn't done that, I wouldn't be marrying Ibrahim. Ali wouldn't be becoming my child. This is all fate's doing, right? Our fate. Mine and Ibrahim's. His divorce from Wafa was also part of our fate, right?

"I heard everything. I am sorry I haven't been able to reach you." By the looks of her face, she isn't genuine at all! Maybe, she is feeling guilty?

"No prob!"

"If only your marriage with Waleed turned out well..." God! I thought we won't be going there. That she, maybe is feeling a little bit of guilt!

"I am glad it didn't," I swear if she didn't drop this matter here, I am going to have her ears!

"Why? Maybe, your destiny is to marry a divorcee. Is he good?" Though she tried to sound all good, the mockery in her voice was clear and sound. She is teasing me.

"You know what? I'm actually, thankful to you! Because of you, I'm marrying a perfect man like Ibrahim. Because of you, I can be a mother on my wedding day!" I don't really know if Ibrahim was perfect or not.

She looks confused. Her brows knit together. "What do you mean b-because of me?" I grin evilly. Like the villain, who knows everything from the start.

"Oh! I know about your little chatty with Waleed on the phone. What an informer you were!"

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