chapter 23

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Her shocked body suddenly started to shake. It is shaking horrifically as she is laughing with her hands pressed on her stomach.

Whatever she has done, can't possibly be what I am thinking. No... She can't!
"Stop laughing, Ihsan!" Stepping forward, I grab my phone off her hands.

This can't be happening.

I stare at my phone. I go to the recent apps and find my Gmail app--that I opened a few minutes ago. Quickly exiting, I open my WhatsApp. Nothing there too. Did she delete it from my chat list? Then I can not see what she messaged or did. Fantastic! I can finally hear that Ihsan's laughing has stopped.

"Ya Rabb! I was kidding! I didn't send her your number or a message from your phone. You are a drama king!" Again, the sound of laughter echoed through the living room. What? She hadn't sent her my number or a text. That was all pretending? My cheek flushed red with embarrassment.

I seriously am a drama king!

"I should have recorded this!" She says again in between small giggles. I roll my eyes. I wish the earth could swallow me. And a big Alhamdulillah that Sajid bai is not here. Or else I am good for a mockery victim.

I feel bad for myself! I, myself made a joke of myself. I have to get out of here. "I am going to the mosque."

"There is still time for Maghreb!"

"Just mind your business." Okay, good. Now I am sulking too... I hurried out of the house. But I heard Ihsan say sorry.

I am already running out of mood and now, whatever battle I was fighting, I lose. Currently, I can see my frustration and irritation coming off to the shore.
Going to the mosque is probably the best thing right now.



Just like yesterday, I woke up early today too. It's the 11th and that means my parents' flight back to Kerala. It's early in the morning at 5:30. They are getting ready as the packing is already done yesterday.

Taking three mugs out, I pour the freshly made coffee into them. A caffeine boost is a must. I have to drive and I only got a little sleep yesterday. We slept late last night due to the packing and chit-chatting plus ummi looking through the jewelry and other gifts.
Ummi, too, liked the necklace Ali had given me. It kind of felt good.

"Baba, ummi, your coffee is ready!" I inform them. Mine is slightly stronger than theirs. Truth be told, ummi isn't a fan of coffee. But I insisted, saying it will help her with a good flight. Baba comes out of the room, wheeling his luggage behind him. He looks tired unlike ummi, who looks as though she hasn't slept for days. But now that she is in her abaya, she kind of looks okayish.

A feeling of sadness mixed with loneliness washes over me. My parents are leaving, and I am gonna be alone again. These days, with them, were all good and complicated. It has been only less than a week since they arrived. Yet it feels like I am going to be alone for the first time.

Baba stretches his right hand forward to take his coffee, and I heartily hand him. "There are a lot of things to do before your wedding. I don't have an idea of where to start." He says rubbing his temples. There are only exactly two weeks left before the wedding. It must be hard for him to handle alone. I should have had a flight sooner, but I can't because of an important meeting scheduled for the 22nd.

"But it is a good thing that Fahad arranged for an event management group. They'll handle all the event chores." I smile at his words. Fahad bai is an unborn son of my parents. He behaves exactly like our older brother. He scolds us if we did any kind of trouble. He even scolds my parents if they have any distress and haven't told him.

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