Chapter 13

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Things just weren't making any sense.

I'd gone from sad about this lack of a call from the man I loved to angry. Confusion to frustration.

I had time to clear my head yesterday by getting out of his room and avoiding his sisters. Time to simmer down my sadness and start to rationalize.

I realized that I couldn't call it quits yet. Not when there were still so many variables to consider.

Did I even know for a fact that his phone even went to anyone outside of this castle? In all reality, it would have no reason to.

Well, I did hear Gabe's voicemail, but maybe it was impossible to call back without some sort of clearance that these royals seem to love.

It was all over their elevators, their doors, why not their phones?

It was a royal number... so it shouldn't be so easily accessible to the public.

Was he doing this just to make fun of me? To watch me struggle with no chance at success? To desperately reach towards absolutely nothing?

He felt like the type to do something like that, to laugh at my downfall with that taunting grin I'd seen one too many times now.

That would explain why he felt the need to come and watch me whenever I picked up the phone.

I got dressed quickly this morning as soon as I woke up, ready to give this another shot.

If breaking my hope was what he was going for, I wasn't going to give in that easily.

I wouldn't get broken into his pretty little pet just like that.

I hyped myself up like that in the mirror, trying my best to shove my natural fears around him given his species and status, and marched myself into his room.

He was nowhere to be seen until I pushed the curtains aside, spotting him sitting on the side of the bed with his feet on the floor.

He sighed quite loudly at my brute arrival, fixing his hair with a hand running from the front to the back.

That greyish silver head of hair sat in uncharacteristically gentle and subtle waves. Unfairly nice bedhead for a vampire let alone this one.

"Did the phone ring last night after you got home from your weird sex thing?" I asked, crossing my arms the way he did to me during my call yesterday.

He blinked at me with those slow, half-awake movements. He looked more exhausted than usual today.

"Did you hear the phone ring?" It showed in his voice too, his tone taking on something flatter.

I held a moment before answering.


"Well, there's your answer then," He said, immediately moving on and going back to rolling up the sleeves on his shirt as if I wasn't still standing here.

I couldn't pinpoint why that fact urked me so much.

In all my planning and prepping for this conversation, I didn't consider disinterest. That's never been something I've been given in the quarrels in my life before this.

If this was all for his personal enjoyment then he should be paying attention.

"I just find it interesting that he still hasn't called." I pushed, testing to see his reaction.

For some kind of sign that maybe I was actually on to something.

"I've noticed." He didn't even look at me, instead flicked lint off of his shirt and onto the floor.

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