Chapter 17

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She let out a few drunken, dramatized laughs. Those slow, tantalizing ones that didn't make me at all confident that she was going to cooperate.

Still I sat myself down onto the leather chest at the end of her bed, turning my torsoe and leaning my elbow on the bed itself to face her.

"Of course you would,"She only followed me with her eyes, "You 'n your weird sex brothel would wanna know everything, huh?"

"You understand how fucked up that is, yeah?" I don't take the time to even consider her words. They had no relation to what I was trying to get at.

I truly didn't know why I was trying to begin with.

Trying to reason with her at all let alone while she was drunk.

"Nuh-uh," She defended in the tone of a toddler, attempting to push up her top half "He bought the drinks. It was only fair."

Yeah, that doesn't make it any better. It only further proved the opposite.

"So you're saying that he'd get you drunk and then get you naked for... payment."

I knew I shouldn't just jump to conclusions. I gained less than nothing wondering in the first place, but she wasn't giving me many other conclusions to jump to in terms of this... Gabe.

Here I thought fresh rogues were supposed to be well-versed in the art of basic self-respect. It was what made them complicated pets.

She'd been complicated in her own right, a fighter with almost every single thing so far. The only conclusion I could gain here was that there was just a line where her's ended.

She just looked at me for a moment, eyes void of anything other than how insanely inebriated she was.

"Well when you say it like that, you make it sound like it's a bad thing."

No shit. Nobody does that continuously without bad intent.

Those were the words that made me give up. That made me roll my eyes and ready myself to stand and leave her for the night.

I suppose gaining a few reasons as to why she is the way she is was good enough. I didn't see myself gaining anything other than more annoyance if I stayed to let this continue.

I stopped though, the moment I heard her sniffle, and felt the sudden shift of her disposition.

"I-it'was fine it-... it made him happy."

I honed in on the sudden display before me, watching her visual change that showed me her defense was breaking. That hardened, angry exterior she'd worn since she stepped into my limo for the first time was cracking before me.

Relaxing back into my spot, I simply listened, hoping to find something of use amongst her rambling.

Even from here, I could see those tears starting to swell after she fell fully back onto the bed to stare at the ceiling.

"...I needed him. I-I needed to get out of my house and he waz- he would always let me, a-and I couldn't lose 'im for that."

Her bottom lip trembled through her hoarse words, swallowing hard and exhaling in quick pieces when the first tear fell.

The next words were hushed, full of a near whimpering ache.

"I did everythin I could to keep him happy with me, I don't know what I would've done'f I didn't have him."

Hands balled into fists at her sides, a quick switch of anger that was gone as soon as it arrived.

"You'd think that it would be enough, right? Five years of that would be enouf deserve a... a fucking phone call," She started off strong, but it didn't last her. The last words ended pitifully with her hands covering her face.

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