Chapter 24

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He listened to me rather quick with a raise of his brows and what I'd like to think was the faintest hint of a cynical smile.

I felt like I could breathe again when he hoisted himself up off of me, and I hurried to kick off my sandals and remove my shirt the moment I saw him reach for the low-hanging collar of his.

Still, I wasn't ready to fully face and accept the eager glee coursing through my body as clothes started to fly.

My mind was willing to temporarily forget who this man was just to get our quick fill of release.

Call it a mutual exchange. That's just how I decided to see it.

With the high emotions and biting spite, I knew that it was going to be an interesting one.

I was already done with my shirt and bra, moving on to my shorts by the time my head decided to turn to face him again.

I tried not to look, tried. Not wanting to seem too interested over something as futile as a good old-fashioned hate fuck, but mildly interested in what this prince had to offer under those clothes now that I was here.

The description of his torso matched how I'd previously described his face when I first saw it.

Fragile in a vampiric sense, a more slender waist compared to his shoulders. There was still a solid, toned masculinity in his build, and I caught myself very interested in the two lines leading down into his pants.

His thumbs jabbed into the waistline of them next, forcing my stare away to see him unreadable eyeing me over from his slightly bent over position.

With this new angle now that I was sitting up, I caught sight of what I was fairly certain was ink just barely peaking over his left shoulder right by his neck.

"You have a tattoo," it was both a statement and a question through a quiet exhale.

One he apparently wasn't very keen on answering, straightening his body again where the ink could no longer be seen.

"Focus, Kira," His tone flattened, gesturing with no more than a head nod to the pillows on his bed.

I rolled my eyes, but followed suit, kicking my shorts off during the process of crawling backwards to where he wanted me.

I could feel the throbbing between my legs now more than ever now with the hope of fulfillment while I removed my last remaining item of clothing, and with it came the action of turning over onto my hands and knees facing the headboard being that it was a position I was most familiar with.

Refusing to look back to look at him any more than I had to, I only heard the sound of cloth shuffling to be removed from where he stood.

There was a low sound resonating from him while his approach got notified from only the dip of the bed.

I was so ready for him to just stick it in and we could get this going as soon as possible for the sake of us both.

Instead, I was brutally reminded of that stud in his tongue the moment it came in contact with my lower back.

My legs devolved into jelly just like that, and the blissful, almost relieved gasp soon became something I regretted letting him hear.

What the hell?

His body further inched over mine as his tongue followed the trail of my spine.

Unwelcomed goosebumps pricked my arms while he neared my neck, fanning that fire of need I didn't fully understand to the max.

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