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August 22 2023:

Hi everyone! I have started posting this book late last year. I have never been very content with it. Which is why I have now decided to start editing it. If you're getting any updates on this book, know it's me making changes. 


Song of the chapter: Don't stop believing by Journey


A notebook is sitting open in my lap, while I'm sitting in a cafe near my house in Monaco. Monaco has never been a city I really like, but there's so many celebrities that move here. And let me say just one thing: I completely understand that. The city is very good for me when we're talking finances. 

I stare down at the notebook in my lap. I need one more song to finish my upcoming album. And to say I'm stuck is the understatement of the century. I have no idea what to write about. My eyes fall down to the blank page in front of me again, before I close the notebook. I'm never writing a new song today. Tomorrow however, that's another day. Maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow. 

I take a sip of my green tea, when I see my best friend and manager Ava walking into the cafe. Of course she knew where to find me. She's been my manager for a while, and always seems to know where I'm hanging out. Maybe today wasn't that difficult, I tend to come here more often when I'm writing.  

"Aimee!" She cheers, taking one of the other seats available at the table I'm sat at. "I've got something excited to share with you." She says, excitement radiating off of her. 

"Well, tell me." I say, putting my cup of tea down. The sparkle in her eye telling me that this should be something good. 

"I've been in touch with the organisation of the Dutch Grand Prix." She starts a bright smile on her face. "And they've offered to let you perform in the fanzone before qualifying." 

A huge smile appears on my face, Formula One is something I've been following ever since I got this apartment here in Monaco. The cars racing through the streets in front of my apartment made me curious to find out more about it. I've been watching as many races as I could since then. 

"Seriously?" I ask, looking for confirmation that Ava was not pulling some kind of prank on me. It's not for everyone to perform at a Grand Prix, let alone in their home country. 

"Seriously, but that is not all I wanted to share with you." She says, making me even curious again. "You'll be singing the National Anthem on Sunday before the race too." 

My mouth literally falls open. I cannot believe this. This is something I've dreamt about ever since getting into Formula One. 

"I'll be doing what?" I ask Ava in disbelief, still not properly registering what has just been said to me. 

"You'll be singing the Dutch National Anthem at the Formula One race in Zandvoort in two weeks." Ava confirms it all for me once again. 


"I'm so happy you're here again." My mom says hugging me as I walk into her house the Friday of the Dutch Grand Prix. It has been way too long since I've last visited.

"I'm happy to be here too." I admit, holding my mom close. It's awesome to be living the celebrity life, but I can't deny I miss home a lot too. It's my safe place, everyone knew me before I got famous. I'm just Aimee here. Not Aimee Halstead: famous singer. 

"So I've made your favourite lasagna." She says pointing at the oven, in which the lasagne is probably cooking. 

"Hmm that sounds so good." I hum, taking in the smell of my mom's delicious food. 

We take a seat on her couch, catching up a bit. I've always been close with both my parents, but I definitely have a special bond with my mom. My dad is barely home as he's a truck driver. 

When the timer on the oven goes off, my mom walks to the kitchen to get the lasagna from the oven. Carefully, she puts the hot lasagna on the kitchen table, at which we both sit down. I'm eager to dive in, but I need to show my mom something first. 

I reach into my bag, grabbing the two race passes I had located in it and put them into my pocket. I know my parents would love to be at the race on Sunday to see me perform. It's a special moment for them as well. Moreover, my dad is a Formula One fan and he'd love to be able to see a race in real life again. 

My mom sits down at the table, putting some lasagna on both of our plates. "So I've got something to give you." I tell her, as she takes a bite from her lasagne. 

"Oh?" She asks, we don't often give presents to each other. Or at least I usually don't announce them. My parents very stubborn that they don't need gifts from me. So I usually just give it to them unexpectedly so they can't say no. I take the two race passes out of my pocket. 

"For you and dad, so you can come watch the race up close too. And of course see me perform. The tickets are for both Saturday and Sunday. I thought you might like that." A huge smile appears on my mother's face. 

"Thank you so much." She says teary-eyed. The Grand Prix had sold out long before I even knew I was going to sing there, making it impossible for them to attend. "I'm so happy we can come and watch you perform in this incredible setting now." 

After dinner I say goodbye to my mom, taking my car to my own apartment in Amsterdam. It's great to have one here as well. It keeps me connected to my family and friends, to the country I was born and raised in. I can feel adrenaline pumping through my veins as I arrive back home and turn on the tv. Pretty much every channel is covering the race this weekend, and I can't believe my face will be on all of them. 


*Edited 23-08-2023*

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