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Song of the Chapter: 10,000 Hours by Dan + Shay and Justin Bieber


Lando's POV

"You've been sucked into that phone even more than usual." Daniel says as we're doing our track walk on the Singapore Grand Prix circuit. "Who's got you that addicted to the stupid device."

I don't answer him, still in utter awe of the pictures Aimee posted on her Instagram. Different pictures of her at the Hollywood sign and in the arena she's performing at right now. She had send me the one at the Hollywood sign earlier, but her on a stage is a whole different world. 

Daniel looks over my shoulder. "Aimee? Seriously?" He asks, disbelief on his face. "I hadn't pegged you as a type to go looking for even more attention." He's right, I usually go for the girls that aren't as popular or well-known. But this friendship with Aimee is making me smile more than I've done in while, and I'm not gonna let our fame ruin that. 

"I am not." I tell him. "We just hung out, I was curious how her first concert went."

"Well, if you say so." Daniel says sarcastically, definitely not believing me. Heck, I'm not even sure I believe myself.

I love hanging out with Aimee, I love having our small conversations via WhatsApp. It's just so easy. I enjoy her presence, but we could never be together. It's too complicated. We're too well-known. We won't ever have our privacy. 

So I'll be here, enjoying us being friends.

I walk into the paddock after exiting the track, quickly meeting up with Max there.

"So did you use Aimee's number?" He asks me a sly smile on his face.

"I did." I tell him, a small smile on my face. He's pretty much the only person that knows we're talking. Well besides Daniel's suspicions. 

"Good for you." Max says before patting my back and walking away.

I look at my phone again, it's three in the afternoon here. That means it must be eleven last night in LA. I really don't understand these time zones, they're always making things so complicated. Eleven means she's probably awake though, right? 

I walk into my drivers room, am I really going to do this?

Why wouldn't I.

So I open my contacts, pressing Aimee's contact before pressing FaceTime. I'm not even sure she'll be able to pick up. Her concert only ended half an hour ago.

The phone rings a couple of times, and I'm about to give up, when Aimee's face appears on my screen.

"Hi," I breathe taking in her appearance. All the make up and glitter on her face making it pop even more. But she definitely didn't need that. She has this natural beauty that would make her stand out everywhere.

"Hi," She says a smile on her face.

"How'd it go?" I ask her, making her smile even more.

"It went perfect." She says. "The crowd was the most amazing ever."

"That's amazing to hear." I tell her. "Are you going to celebrate?" I heard that that's something most artists do after the first night of tour.

"The crew's going, so I'll probably join for one or two drinks. But to be honest I'm just tired. Jet lag is slowly kicking in" She says, trying to keep a yawn at bay.

"Well have fun then. Go!" I tell her, not wanting to make her go to bed even later because she's talking to me. I'm about to end the call when Aimee stops me.

"Wait!" Aimee says. "I wanted to wish you good luck. I'll probably be on stage tomorrow when you start racing." She seems to be handling the timezones much better than me.

"Thanks." I say, smiling. I love how we're so encouraging off each other. "Tomorrow's only practise though. Not the real deal."

"I know, but give it your all out there anyway." She says, I keep forgetting she was an F1 before we met. She just never seemed like the fan girl.

"I will." I tell her before really saying goodbye to her again.

I can't wait until I get to see her again.


"Great practise, Lando!" Zak says as I climb out of the car. Both free practises went fairly good. But we're definitely not there yet, the car seems to do things I'm not expecting making it a lot more difficult to drive.

"Thanks." I say, before making my way to my drivers room, where my phone was waiting for me. Aimee would be done with her concert, maybe she'd texted me or something.

My hopes were answered as I looked at the messages on my screen.

Just got off stage. It was so wonderful <3

Watching the last bit of FP2, you're doing so well :)

I can feel my heart flutter a bit, but I try to calm myself down a bit. Lando, you can't do this to yourself. You can't drag yourself through all this pain. 

Glad you had fun out there :) So did I btw

I zip down my racing suit when I hear my phone actually ringing.

Aimee's face appears on the screen as soon as I answer the call.

"Hi," She says shyly, clearly uncertain whether she should call me or not.

"Hi," I say, almost as shy as her.

"So, I have to admit watching F1 while you actually know the drivers is a bit more nerve wrecking." She says with a slight chuckle.

"I'm sorry." I tell her.

"Don't be." She says laughing. "Those cars are in the best capable hands. I have to admit, I'd never be able to drive a car that goes that fast."

It's my turn to laugh now. "We're not going that fast in FPs." I tell her jokingly, making her laugh as well.

"Hey Lando." She says after we both went quiet.


"I'm really enjoying this." She says quietly.

"So am I." I tell her.


edited: 28-08-2023

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