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Song of the chapter: Like nobody's around by Big Time Rush


"You're terrible at this." Lando whispers in my ear, as he walks up to the bowling lane to get a ball, while I'm walking back to the seating area. My cheeks turning bright red at his comment. That's how it feels right now, every single one of his comments intensified after the moment we had in the hotel room.

"Gosh, can you guys just kiss already?" Daniel says loudly as I sit down, taking a sip of the cocktail in front of me. None of the people had been informed of the change in our relationship status yet. It wasn't like we had planned on keeping it a secret, there was just a lot to talk about and our relationship status somehow did not make that list.

I shove Daniel playfully, trying to keep up the act that nothing had changed yet. That is until Lando plunges next to me, with Daniel next to me. "What're you guys talking about?" Lando asks.

"I was just saying how the tension between the two of you is through the roof and you two should just kiss already." Daniel exclaims.

"Oh like this?" Lando says bluntly, putting a hand on my cheek to turn my face. Before placing his lips on my for a brief second, quickly pulling away as we're still in a very public space. Even if we had rented out the whole bowling alley off the hotel.

All of our friends that are here erupt into a cheer, as they take in the scene in front of us. "So it's official now?" Max asks and Lando and I are quick to confirm. All of them giving us a quick hug to congratulate us as we continue having a fun night.

Somehow, I end up in the bathroom of the bowling alley with Kelly and Charlotte. Ava having ditched our group and went up to her room earlier. "Have you guys slept together yet?" Kelly asks as we're touching up on our make up. Even though I'm not certain if my slightly buzzed state will improve the way my face looks.

"We slept in the same bed, yeah." I say laughing, very much aware that that was not what she meant.

"Seriously Aimee?" She asks laughing as well. "You know what I meant."

I laugh again. "No, we haven't."

"I'm not going to give you the talk, because I'm very much aware that you've probably had sex before. But if you need protection, I've got you covered." Kelly says, making my cheeks turn bright red.

It's not like I hadn't thought about having sex with Lando, it's more that I hadn't thought it could be happening tonight. All of the times we had spent together, we had had so much respect for each other, that neither of us ever mentioned it. And now that we're together it suddenly feels like something I should think about.

I have to admit, that when it turns midnight I'm definitely closer to drunk than tipsy. We had asked the bartender to turn the music up a bit and were now dancing all together. Lando occasionally putting his hands on my hips, to stabilise me whenever I was swaying a bit too enthusiastically. That was until I almost tripped over the small stairs in the room. Most of the people agreeing it was time for me to get back to bed, as I still had a concert to do tomorrow.

Lando guides me up to our room, swiftly opening the door before leading me in and guiding me to the bed. Lando seems stable, and I'm not sure whether he hadn't had a drink at all or just isn't affected by it.

"Did you wear a tee today?" I ask Lando as I sit down on the bed. The stupid question slipping from my tongue, it's winter. Of course he hadn't. But to my surprise, Lando shuffles through his suitcase and still hands me a shirt.

"I didn't wear it today, but I thought you'd like to sleep in it anyway." He says a blush creeping up on his face as I smile at him for the kind gesture.

I strip down from my clothes, and put Lando's shirt over my body. I don't think I've ever been this careless around him before. But maybe that's the booze talking. I lay down in the bed, Lando stripping down from his clothes as well. Leaving him only in his boxers, getting into bed as well.

He puts his arms around me, pulling me to him, before placing a kiss on my head. "Sleep tight." He whispers as I'm already drifting off to sleep.


The next morning, we're the final two of the group to appear at breakfast. My head slightly throbbing. I think I've had a bit more to drink than I had anticipated at the time.

"You look horrible." Charlotte says as I sit down at the huge round table where Kelly, Max, Ava, Daniel and she are already enjoying breakfast. Lando takes a seat next to me, before Charlotte speaks to him. "You've only been together for, what? Fourteen hours? And you've already wrecked her." She laughs, making the rest of the table laugh as well. I, however, just close my eyes rubbing my temples lightly.

"Don't blame me!" Lando says, putting his hands up in defence. "Blame those shots and cocktails you fed her." He points at Charlotte, who was clearly the instigator of my situation. The whole table laughs again, but I just groan. How can I be the only one suffering from a hangover?

I look at Ava, who just nods. Going through her purse to get some kind of medicine to get me through the day. I chug the bottle of water with the medicine. Main priority today is get some more sleep and hydrate.

So that's why I'm laying in the hotel bed, while the rest of the group is out exploring Seattle. I chug another bottle of water before catching another half an hour of sleep. Waking up much better this time. I decide that my body needs a small work out to fire it up, before I can make my way to the arena for pre concert sound checks. I change into some work out clothes, opting to do some kind of stretch work out in my room. I go through the exercises Tony emailed to me, feeling my body getting ready for the concert a bit more every exercise.

When I feel ready, I take a quick shower, before getting into some comfy clothes. Aware that Ava will be here any moment to pick me up.

I scroll through my phone, waiting for Ava. My eyes falling to a news article about Charlotte and Lando. Which makes me laugh out loud.

Did Lando Norris steal Charles Leclerc's girlfriend?

Lando Norris and Charlotte Sine were spotted together in Seattle this morning. The pair was accompanied by Max Verstappen and girlfriend Kelly Piquet. The four of them seemed to be enjoying the sights in Seattle, while it was also confirmed they will be attending Aimee Halstead's concert tonight. The drivers are good friends with the singer.

If the two of them are truly together, this could mean Lando stole Charles' girlfriend. Will this mean the end of the Twitch Quartet? Or do you think nothing is going on between the pair.

I chuckle at the stupidity. There's only one sighting of them together, and immediately dating rumours are starting. If Daniel were there, this would've never happened, but he had to arrange some things for his merchandise line.

I quickly send the link over to Lando, accompanying it with the text 'stupid media'. Hoping he gets the hint to tell Charles about it. Not wanting any kind of fights to come from this. I am taken from my thoughts when Ava knocks on my door and I follow her out to the car. Adrenaline going through my veins, excited for the final concert of this tour. 


edited 6/12/2023

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