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Song of the Chapter: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z & Alicia Keys


Aimee's POV

"Are you ready for the last race of the season?" I ask Lando through my headphones, while walking through Central Park. I decided it would be the perfect way to calm my body down. It's not every day you're playing Madison Square Garden. We flew from Charleston to New York earlier this week, some rest build in this week. Rest I noticed my body was heavily craving.

Freaking Madison Square Garden, it's been one of my biggest dreams to perform there. And it's coming true tonight.

"I am, I think I won't be more ready for a last race ever. I'm so done with this season." Lando tells me, and I can hear the relieve in his voice. Especially the last race in Brazil was brutal to him. He slept almost 24 hours before hopping on a plane and sleeping even more. 

"Good, are you satisfied with this season?" I ask him, genuinely interested in how he'd evaluate this. I know it hasn't been what he had hoped for, but I think he can still be extremely proud of himself.

"I think so, I mean I'd hoped we'd get higher in the constructors. But personally, I think I did decent." He says. "What about you, are you happy with the tour so far? I mean you must be excited for tonight!"

A smile forms on my face. "I am, I can't believe I'm doing this Lan. I've dreamt about this since forever." I say excitedly.

"I'm proud of you." He says calmly, but I can hear the pride radiating from his voice. Something I can tell we both share, the pride in one another. 

"I'm proud of you too Lan. Go give it your all tomorrow." I take in my surroundings, I'm in a quiet part of the park, deciding to take a seat on one of the benches.

"I will, you go and give it your all on stage tonight. Promise?"

"Promise." I say, opening my phone scrolling through Instagram a bit. "Oh and Lan, there's a party tomorrow. To celebrate tonight. I don't think anything will happen, but if there's any rumours erupting, just call me. I'll clear everything up for you." I warn him, knowing Jonas will probably make an appearance again. The guy can't seem to leave me be. He came to two other concerts as well, always walking into my dressing room like he owned the freaking place.

News flash, he doesn't. And if he keeps doing this, I'm sure I will get him banned from attending any of my future concerts.

"It's okay, Aims. We'll see that when it happens. I've got to go now though. We're having a dinner with all the drivers." He says before saying a proper goodbye, hanging up the phone. Leaving me feeling a bit empty and alone in this enormous park.


"Good evening New York!" I scream through the microphone, taking the stage. I take in the tens of thousands of people, hearing them chant my name before starting the show.

I have to admit, it probably wasn't my best show. I might have put too much energy into this, alongside the additional nerves of one of my dreams coming true. But it definitely was one of the shows I enjoyed the most. I let myself live in the moment, enjoying every single thing.

I loved how the crowd sang along with all the songs. I even dared to add in one of the Dutch songs, and most people even seemed to enjoy that. I just went with the flow, having a blast myself too.

Waking up the next morning, the different news sites seemed to agree with my feelings. Every single one of them writing positives on my concert last night. Ava even messaged me to tell me that ticket sales for the next concerts had skyrocketed. Making all the remaining concerts sell out.

I look at the time, still early. But late enough to see the remainder of the F1 race. I immediately locate Lando's name on the left of the screen. Delighted to see he did not have to retire. Also noticing Sebastian Vettel on the list, who's driving his final race. At least he hasn't had to retire, that would've been a shame.

I take my laptop with me to the bathroom, doing my skin care routine in the meantime. Focussing on the race as well. Today's a day full of interviews, before the party tonight. I know we've rented part of a club, but I'm very well aware the people that are not in our area will be watching anyway.

Once the race is finished, I close my laptop collecting the important things and walking down to the breakfast area. Not having time to wait for a message from Lando. I do however congratulate him on finishing the race, having the fastest lap and finishing best of the rest. I tuck my phone away taking a seat at the breakfast table with Ava.


The interviews were boring to be honest. I did not enjoy them, but maybe it was because I was really looking forward to tonight. Getting to release a bit of the tension that has been building in my body. Getting to finally relax a bit more.

"Okay, so room service in your room before getting ready?" Ava asks as we're walking into the hotel. Long overdue for some girl time and catching up. Even though we've spent every day together, we just need some fun as well.

"Heck yes." I say smiling as we get into the elevator. The lift dings on the third floor, signalling we have arrived at the right floor.

We quickly order room service before both sitting down on the bed. "Okay so you and Lando. I need details." Ava says, hope written on her face.

"We're dating. Well for well as you can be dating from across the world. We're trying. We said we weren't exclusive, but if we were planning on doing something with other people we would be open about that." I explain, making Ava squeal.

"You guys are gonna be so cute together. But damn all the media management I've gotta do." She says chuckling. "But I'll do it with all the love."

"Thanks." I say, walking to the door as someone knocks on it, probably delivering the room service.

We eat, while discussing all the latest gossips in the world. Chuckling and laughing every time we come across one that's about me. "I seriously don't know how they come up with this." Ava says, holding up another one of the rumours about me and Martin Garrix. "Just because you're both Dutch, single and around the same age doesn't make you date a person."

"It's bloody annoying." I say agreeing with Ava. I then stand up, time to work on some make up. Once I'm satisfied with the make-up look I've got going on, I get into a velvet purple dress, hugging my curves perfectly.

"Oh Lando would not be able to keep his eyes off of you." Ava says, as I walk out of the bathroom. "To bad he won't be here." A sly grin on her face. 

"I know right, would've loved to spend tonight with him." I admit, looking at my phone. It's deep in the night in Abu Dhabi. He won't answer, but I can't help but wanting to text him anyway. "Let's take a picture." I say putting my phone on a timer, so both Ava and I can pose for a picture.

"That one is cute." Ava says pointing to one of the pictures my phone had taken.

"I'm sending it to Lando." I say receiving a mischievous smile from Ava. "He won't answer tonight, but whatever." I say pressing send, collecting my things and making my way out the door together with Ava.

The club we are at is actually quite busy, but our secluded area makes it possible for me to enjoy the time I've got. We're dancing to the music, making the best of our night, when suddenly someone wraps his arms around me. Twisting me around, and placing their lips on mine with force.

I push the person away. Very much aware of who it was.

"What the actual fuck! What do you think you're doing?!" I yell.

Double update! Because I love you guys❤️ also we are almost at 3k reads 💪🏻

*edited 6-11-2023*

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