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Song of the Chapter: Sowieso Overhoop by Maan (hehe another Dutch one, just because I like it)


Lando's POV

"So enlighten me please." George says as we're sitting by the pool of our luxurious resort in Mexico. "You went all the way to Boston to meet up with a girl you are not together with, because of a picture of her kissing another guy?" A light chuckle coming from him.

"It sounds stupid when you say it like that." I say laughing. It really does sound stupid if you put it like that. "But yeah, kind of."

"He's hung up on her, she's hung up on him. They're just too stubborn to put a label on it." Max says putting four cocktails down on the table.

"You're like a love sick puppy." Charles laughs.

"Just like you." I counter, but immediately realise I'm wrong, and I can tell that Charles did not like my comment either. "Oh gosh, I'm so freaking sorry. I didn't mean this, Charles." I apologise immediately. "I shouldn't have said it."

But the damage is already done, Charles standing up and walking away. Max following him quickly, probably to do some damage control.

"That was really dumb." George states, taking a sip of his cocktail.

"Like I don't know, stupid alcohol always makes me say stupid things." I say, very aware of the mistake I made. "We're here to lift up his spirits, and here I am making stupid comments to bring him down even more."

"Don't blame yourself too much though, you're just in a completely different moment in life right now. You're trying to figure out how to move forward with someone, while he's trying to figure stuff out on his own." George tries to calm me.

"When did you become so romantic?" I say laughing a bit.

"Thats what having a girlfriend does to you, I guess." He laughs, referring to Carmen, his girlfriend.

Later that night I am making my way from my bedroom to Charles's bedroom, I need to apologise and it might have already taken me too long to do so. I knock on the door, it takes Charles a while to open it but there he is.

"Charles." I say as he opens the door. Not sure what to say. He just stands there heartbroken, looking at the ground. He's not saying anything, so I take that as my cue to say something else. "I'm sorry. I was way out of line with that comment. I realised that immediately, and I'm so freaking sorry."

Charles motions for me to come in, closing the door behind us. "She's with Aimee right now, did you know that?" He asks holding his phone up, an Instagram picture of Aimee and Charlotte on his screen.

"No, she didn't tell me." I say, it's the truth. Aimee and I have been talking every night, it helps that we're pretty much in the same timezone. "She told me she had a friend visiting. She didn't specify who it was."

"Gosh, I just miss her. But I know we can't be together." Charles says, sitting down on his bed. I'm still a little distant, knowing he has not clearly accepted my apology. "It's too freaking difficult with me being away all of the time. She deserves someone who's there for here almost every day of the week. Who can be there whenever she needs them."

"Hey, Charles." I say, trying to snap him out of this negative spiral. "Don't beat yourself up about this. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be. The two of you will be pulled together if you truly belong together."

"Aimee's already rubbing off on you." He says with a light smile on his face. "I accept your apology by the way."

"She is, and we're not even together." I say with a small smile. "Now let's go for dinner, the others are waiting."

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