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Song of the Chapter: Some say by Nea & Felix Jaehn


I hadn't expected Lando to still be awake when I exited the stage, given the fact that it was already eleven and he had a race tomorrow. But I was proven wrong when my phone started blaring through my dressing room.

I quickly scan the room, locating the phone. Lando's name written on the screen. We haven't really had a chance to talk after I left the track. He was being busy with a debrief, while I was getting prepped to take the stage.

"Hi!" I say accepting the FaceTime call, forcing a smile on my face as I'm seriously exhausted from everything I've done today.

"Hey." Lando says, I take in his surroundings for as far as I can see them on my phone screen. He's sitting on his bed, resting his back against the headboard of the bed.

"Hey," I say grabbing a bottle of water as I sit down on the couch in my dressing room.

"How'd it go?" He asks me.

"I loved it, but I'm happy going to a new place soon." I tell him, the crowd here in San Antonio was amazing. But I'm excited to be going to other places too, meeting new people, giving more fans the chance to see this show.

"Good," He breathes. "So I wanted to confirm you're still on for tomorrow?" He asks his confidence low in his voice.

"I am. Dinner after the race right?" I ask him.

"Exactly." He says, but I can sense he's wanting to ask me more.

"Is there anything else you want to ask me?" I ask him, trying to figure out what's bothering him.

Lando looks down, before looking up at his screen. "I got asked to DJ at the Red Bull party if they become constructors champions tomorrow night." He says, and I can feel myself feeling down a bit. Does this mean that we won't be able to go out for dinner? "It starts at nine, so I think we can still go for dinner." Lando adds, sensing my worries.

"Okay." I say, but I feel like he might not have been done talking.

"I was wondering if you'd want to come with?" He blurts out next, and all I can do is smile. I'd love to go out, being surrounded by people that wouldn't care about my fame makes it just that much better. "Can you just answer?" Lando asks impatiently.

"I'd love to come with." I say a small smile on my face. I check the clock and see it's almost midnight. "But you really should get some rest. You're supposed to be driving tomorrow, you know." I tell him, before ending our conversation and wishing each other goodbye.

Relieved, I put my phone away. I'm happy our kiss this afternoon hasn't changed that much for us. Or at least it doesn't seem like it has. I quickly pack my backpack again, before exiting the dressing room. Ava already waiting in the hallway.

"You didn't come in." I tell her, surprised with the sudden move.

"I'd think you want some privacy." She tells me and I just nod, happy that she knows me this well.


The next morning I wake up a bit late for my liking, as the clock on my nightstand signals it's already eleven. I decide I need to get a small workout it as we're having a few days without concerts. The next ones being in Jackson, Mississippi next weekend. I get changed into some work out clothes, making my way to the gym. I decide to start on the treadmill getting a small run in, before doing some core exercises. Once I can feel my muscles burning, I decide to go back up to my room to take a shower. I get ready, changing into dark blue washed jeans and a white crop top with white sneakers. Deciding the paddock is not a catwalk, and it would be much more appreciated when I'm not wearing heals like most celebrities.

I gather the clothes strewn across my room, putting them into the suitcases, before making my way down to the lobby where Ava's already waiting. Together we put my suitcases into the van that is taking us to the hotel I'm staying in Austin. As we inch closer to the hotel, and therefore the track I can feel some nerves building up in my stomach.

Ava and I drop our stuff at the hotel before making our way to the track. We both swipe our paddock passes, walking into the paddock. In my mind all the explanations I got from Charlotte yesterday are replaying. "I'll be going to the paddock club for some networking." Ava says as we stand in front of it. "You're free to roam around, but please be careful of the media."

I just nod, looking around me trying to orient where to go from here. As I'm standing there, completely lost I see a familiar face walking up to me. "Charlotte," I say relieve coming over me.

"Hi Aimee." She says before introducing the blonde next to her. "This is Isa, Carlos' girlfriend. Isa this is Aimee, she's a famous singer but here invited by Lando." A sly grin on her face.

"So you're the girl Carlos was raving about last night. He was really excited to meet you yesterday." Isa says with a small chuckle.

"I guess so." I say with a small smile, following the girls to wherever they were going.

Turns out it was a VIP section of the Grand Stand, where we could watch the drivers parade in secrecy. The three of us chat a bit as we watch the drivers being driven around the track and being introduced to the public. I notice Lando waving around, when our eyes lock. I hadn't expected him to find me in the crowd, but wave at him hoping he had seriously seen me. As the drivers parade is coming to an end, Isa and Charlotte guide me down to the garages.

"You know the way to the McLaren garage?" Charlotte asks me, and I shake my head no. Scared I might actually go the wrong way.

"That's okay, I'll get you there." She says, dragging me along to what I assume is the McLaren garage.

Daniel immediately spots the three of us, walking towards us. "Aimee, you're here again?" He asks, I'm guessing Lando hadn't told him.

"I am." I say smiling, Daniel returning my smile.

"Well good, but I don't think you're here to see me are you?" He asks, as Charlotte and Isa walk away finding their boyfriends.

"Not really. But you did well yesterday." I tell him, but the look on his face makes me think he isn't as satisfied with the result as I am.

"Well, let's get you to your favourite driver." He says grabbing my arm, trying to get me to the other side of the garage.

"Who? Max?" I answer his statement, resulting in both of us laughing.

We both look around Lando's side of the garage, but he isn't there. "Well, I'd thought he be here, but you can wait around." Daniel says, before asking someone where Lando is.

"Oh he is in his drivers room," Andreas says as he figures out who I'm here for.

"I know where that is, can I go see him." I tell Daniel as Andreas walks away.

"You can't go there alone, the pass you have on won't get you access." He says and I look down at the ground. "But I can get you in there." He says dragging me along the hallway and toward the room I was in yesterday.

Edited 4-11-2023

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