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Song of the chapter: Thuis by Snelle


"You're flying home with Lando, Max, Kelly and Charlotte right?" Ava asks, as we're going over the pretty much empty agenda for the coming three months before tour rehearsals start again.

"I am." I state, drinking my coffee. My hand trembling a bit as I try to lift the cup with my weaker hand. One and a half day in a cast, and my weaker arm is not catching up with all it has to do as quick as I'd hoped.

"Good, go enjoy your break, and I'll contact you if anything changes. You deserved it. I also put a rush on the restraining order, so I'm hoping that'll come through within the next week." Ava explains simply.

"Thank you for everything Ava." I say, giving her a hug and leaving to go back to the hotel. I still have some packing to do.

When I get back to the hotel room, Lando has already finished packing his things. He even took the time to make piles of my clothes that were scattered across the room. "Thanks for this." I say taking in the image in front of me. "I still need some more help." I admit, and Lando quickly agrees, helping me put all my stuff into the suitcases. Most help necessary with closing the suitcases and getting them to the lobby.

Rolling two suitcases is pretty much undoable with one arm in a sling and cast. So Charlotte helps me and Lando get our suitcases downstairs, where Kelly and Max are already waiting. We pile into the huge rental car and drive to the private section of the Seattle Airport. "Thanks for letting me fly with you guys." I tell Max as we get into the plane.

"It's my pleasure." He says as we all take our seats, grabbing something to drink before buckling up. "So you've got time to go on vacation now?"

"Yeah pretty much. There's a few things I'll have to do in the coming three months. But I won't go back to rehearsals until March, with the European tour kicking off in May." I explain.

"Do you have any plans?" Kelly asks. "Three months is a long time."

"Not really, I just like to do whatever I feel like doing." I say, looking at Lando. "Maybe come to Bahrain or something." A small smile forming on my face. Lando had told me he'd like it if I'd come to visit one of the races, and I had figured Bahrain could be a good one. With the first race and pre season testing being there.

"Let me know whenever you feel up to doing anything. I'm in Monaco a lot too, of course I've got Penelope as well, but I'd like to hang out." Kelly says.

Charlotte is quick to add in. "Me too, I'd love some girl time. I know you're very familiar to being in the spotlight, but I could totally help you with the F1 side of being a girlfriend." She offers, a small smile on her face.

"Thanks so much. I feel very welcomed." I admit with a smile on my face, I don't think the music industry is this welcoming.

As we land in Nice, everyone piles into their own cars. I am going with Lando, as I'm not allowed to drive with the stupid cast. "I take it you want to go to your place?" He asks driving on to the high way towards Monaco.

"Yes please." I say, a smile on my face. I love my apartment here, and I've been craving coming home to it. It really feels like it's my own place, and not some place I'd ever have to share. Even with that thought in mind, I feel very comfortable sharing that safe place with Lando.

The drive isn't that long, and before I know it, Lando has parked in the parking garage below the building. Rolling our suitcases to the elevator. "Who said you could stay?" I say with a smug smile on my face, as he's putting his suitcase in my bedroom as well.

"I - uh" he stammers, making me laugh.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't make you leave. Even if I was able to take care of myself using my non-dominant hand. I kind of enjoy your company." I say, a small smile appearing on Lando's face as well.

"Thank god, I thought you were going to make me leave anyway. And then you would like hurt yourself or something. I wouldn't get over it." He rambles, making me chuckle.

I smile at his little rant, his rambling is really cute.

"When are you leaving for Woking?" I ask Lando as we're eating our dinner, we were comfortably sitting in silence until I decided to interrupt that peaceful silence.

"Two days," He says, pushing some of the greens around on his plate. "But only for a week. We can manage a week right?"

I sigh, I was hoping now that we both kind of had vacation, we could spend some time together. "Yeah, we can." I say, hoping not to make my disappointment to evident.

"Or you can come with me?" He says looking at me hopefully. "I don't think I can get you into MTC, but after I'm done with stuff we can go into London, meet up with George and Carmen or something."

"I'd like that." I admit, now it's my turn to shyly move my greens around the plate.

"Then we'll do that." He says. "I'll call someone at McLaren to double book the flight, getting you on there as well."


As we're doing all the typical tourist things and standing in front of the Big Ben, I suddenly realise it's not that easy to go sightseeing when you're famous.

Especially not if your partner may be even more famous around here, then you are.

We had been strolling along the Thames for a while, until we reached the Big Ben. I wanted to take some pictures there, and Lando happily took some from me. That was until we were ambushed by a load of fans. Both of ours, but mostly Lando's asking for pictures. Which is what we've been doing for the past fourty-five minutes.

"I'm sorry, but we really have to go now." I say, pulling Lando away from the group of fans and getting into a taxi.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asks. Lando gives him George's address, as we were supposed to meet him and Carmen for dinner. The taxi driver brings us to George's address quickly, and as he pulls up George already opens the door.

"What got you two here this early?" He asks an amused smile on his face.

"Ambushed by fans." Lando says. "Hers not mine."

"Liar, they were mostly yours." I counter, getting an amused look from George.

"Fine then, it were both our fans." Lando settles, before following George to the living room. We spend the night playing different games, and I hadn't thought it'd be possible to be a more sore loser than Lando. But George is definitely close.

The both of them even argued Carmen and I were cheating, because we were teaming up against them. It might have been true, but we both thoroughly enjoyed the boys getting fed up with losing.

As Lando and I walk through a small park near his London apartment later that night, he pulls me to the side. Watching over the Thames. Somehow, this spot feels really private even if we're in the big city of London. 

He stands behind me, his arms wrapped around me, as he places a small kiss on top of my head. "I love you." He whispers, as we stand there enjoying the view. "I have, ever since I saw you in Zandvoort."

I turn around in his arms, butterflies already going crazy. I'm seriously enjoying the moment, but decide to make it even better. "I love you too." I say, placing a small kiss on his lips. 


edited 6/12/2023

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