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Song of the Chapter: Crazy - Lost Frequencies


Lando's POV

"So you actually know her?" I ask Max as we're walking through the paddock after qualifying. My newfound interest in the Dutch singer that was performing earlier, very clear to the Dutch driver.

"She lives in the apartment building across the street from me, and she's Dutch. So yeah we've seen each other around sometimes. But we're both gone most of the time." Max explains in a matter of fact way.

"You should really tell me when you have a hot neighbour next time." I tell him with a chuckle. I had heard of Aimee Halstead before, but I had never realised she had this wonderful of an appearance. Max chuckles at my hopelessly single life.

"Well maybe you should just talk to her tomorrow. You know she's singing the national anthem right?" Max tells me, giving me some new information. I hadn't expected there to be a chance to actually meet her this weekend.

"I did not know that." I tell him referring to the fact that she'll be singing the national anthem tomorrow. "But you know what, I might talk to her."

I first need to find her tomorrow.

The next day I get to the circuit early, hoping to have a chance to speak to Aimee. Without any success. I was starting to feel like I wouldn't bump into her, when I had to get ready for the drivers parade. I'm deep in my thoughts when I bump into someone.

"Hey, look at where you're going next time." The person I bumped into says. I look up to be met by this girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Dark brown hair and blue eyes that I hadn't really been able to get out of my mind for the past 24 hours.

But as Max said, she's always travelling. Even thinking about the possibility of asking her out sounds like a bad idea already. And on top of that, I highly doubt such a beautiful girl is still single.

"I'm so sorry." I say looking right at Aimee, our eyes locking a small smile appearing on both of our faces.

"Don't worry, I can understand a racing driver feels like he's in a rush all the time." She says with a chuckle, the smile still lingering on her face. Gosh, that smile is mesmerizing.

I smile at her, extending my hand. Deciding this is my chance, the chance I've been hoping for. "I'm Lando." I introduce myself to her as she puts her hand in mine.

"Aimee." She says. "But I've got a feeling you already knew that." A sly smile on her face as the words leave her lips.

"I did." I say with a chuckle, my head shaking lightly. "You spotted us yesterday, didn't you?" I ask her, thinking about how Daniel, Max, Checo and I went to the fan zone during her performance yesterday. It was a stupid decision, but Max said he wanted to go and experience the fanzone a bit. Convincing his teammate and me and Daniel to go and see how long we would go unnoticed. We only saw one or two songs before we got discovered, but I enjoyed it a lot.

Aimee smiles. "I did, I loved how you just stood there for a while before someone noticed you. I like to do that too, sometimes." She tells me, a small blush appearing on her face.

We talk a bit more before I really need to get ready for the drivers parade and Aimee needs to get ready for her performance. She joked about forgetting the text to the anthem, but I don't think that can happen. I mean if you get this opportunity, I would practise until I couldn't get it wrong anymore. We even ended up talking about the world of social media. She told me she's struggling with hateful comments a lot, her mental health getting worse because of it as well. While I told her about my experience with the same topic, and how I struggle sometimes too.

I am standing with all the drivers, watching as Aimee performed the national anthem. She poured her whole heart in it, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I know it's weird to say about someone performing a national anthem, but I did enjoy. It was a great performance. She gave it her all. Just like I will on the track.

"Did you get a chance to talk to her?" Max asks as we're walking to our cars. Curiosity lining his voice.

"I did." I tell him, I can feel my cheeks burning up slightly.

"Did you ask her out?" He asks, making me look at him in disbelief.

"I barely know her, we just talked. It was nice to be honest." I tell him, shutting him up immediately before going over to our respective cars.

I actually drove quite a good race for once. The car started feeling competitive, but I knew it was already too late. Max has the championship pretty much in the pocket. I did however manage to get up to the podium. Secretly loving that everything and everyone was wearing orange.

They're all just secret McLaren fans.

Edited 24-08-2023

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